Status: Beta
sg.nvim is a plugin focused on bringing many of the features of into Neovim.
To configure logging in:
- Log in on your Sourcegraph instance.
- Click your user menu in the top right, then select Settings > Access tokens.
- Create your access token, and then run
in your neovim editor after installation. - Type in the link to your Sourcegraph instance (for example:
) - And then paste in your access token.
An alternative to this is to use the environment variables specified for src-cli.
You can check that you're logged in by then running :checkhealth sg
- nvim 0.9 or nvim nightly
- Cargo to build (pre-built binary/dylibs options to come)
- Node.js >= 18.17.0 (LTS) at runtime for
- sourcegraph
-- Use your favorite package manager to install, for example in lazy.nvim
return {
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
-- If you have a recent version of lazy.nvim, you don't need to add this!
build = "nvim -l build/init.lua",
-- Packer.nvim, also make sure to install nvim-lua/plenary.nvim
use { 'sourcegraph/sg.nvim', run = 'nvim -l build/init.lua' }
" Using vim-plug
Plug 'sourcegraph/sg.nvim', { 'do': 'nvim -l build/init.lua' }
After installation, run :checkhealth sg
(Nix instructions at the end of the readme)
-- Sourcegraph configuration. All keys are optional
require("sg").setup {
-- Pass your own custom attach function
-- If you do not pass your own attach function, then the following maps are provide:
-- - gd -> goto definition
-- - gr -> goto references
on_attach = your_custom_lsp_attach_function
" Example mapping for doing searches from within neovim (may change) using telescope.
" (requires telescope.nvim to be installed)
nnoremap <space>ss <cmd>lua require('sg.extensions.telescope').fuzzy_search_results()<CR>
- Latest Demo: Alpha Release
- Short clip of cross repository jump to definition: Clip
- Demo v2: YouTube
- Demo v1: YouTube
- Chat interface and associated commands
- Autocompletions, prompted
- Autocompletions, suggested
Sourcegraph Browsing:
- Read files:
- Directly from sourcegraph links:
:edit <sourcegraph url>
will automatically add protocols for handling*
- Directly from buffer names:
:edit sg://
- Use
to get a link for the location under your cursor
- Directly from sourcegraph links:
- Reading non-files:
- Repository roots
- Folders
- Expand Folders
- Unexpand Folders
- Open file from folder
- Use builtin LSP client to connect to SG
- Goto Definition
- Goto References
- <20 references
- kind of broken right now for lots of references
- Basic Search
- literal, regexp and structural search support
support - repo support
- Advanced Search Features
- Autocompletion
- Memory of last searches
- More? Make an issue with something you're missing :)
The project is packaged as a Nix Flake. Consume it as you normally would. In your Nix configuration,
make sure that sg-nvim is included both as a Neovim plugin and as an environment/user package
(because sg-lsp
needs to be on your PATH).
See Neovim guide on NixOS wiki for more details on configuration See gh:willruggiano/neovim.drv for a practical configuration.
For Nix contributors and maintainers:
- Feel free to
nix flake update
every once in a while to make sureflake.lock
is up-to-date - Minimal
-integrated neovim package for testing and example - Integrate
+ Cody onto nixpkgs:vimPlugins
You will also need to add the built .cdylib
onto package.cpath
. Here is one example
using gh:willruggiano/neovim.nix:
sg = let
system = "x86_64-linux";
package =${system}.default;
in {
inherit package;
init = pkgs.writeTextFile {
name = "sg.lua";
text = ''
return function()
package.cpath = package.cpath .. ";" .. "${package}/lib/?.so;${package}/lib/?.dylib"