People who viewed this item also viewed
- FEC project repo
- For implementing front end component which displays 'people who viewed this item also viewed' section on Bidder item page.
Create .env file in root folder of your project and specify following // set port number for express server PORT=3004
// configure database MYSQL_DB_HOST=localhost MYSQL_DB_USERNAME=root MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD= MYSQL_DB_DATABASE=alsoviewed
// specify total number of items to seed, with their start id, end id TOTAL_ITEMS=100 START_ITEM_ID=101 END_ITEM_ID=200
// specify start category id and end category id to be allocated for items START_CATEGORY_ID=1 END_CATEGORY_ID=20
1 Run 'npm install' for installing project dependecnies,
2 Make sure mysql server is running on your computer,
3 Run command 'npm run init:db' to add required schema 'alsoviewedschema.sql' to your mysql database
4 Run command 'npm run seed:db' to seed databse,
5 Run command 'npm run start:dev' which starts express server listening on port number 3004 with nodemon alternative 'npm run start' will start the same without nodemon,
6 Run command 'npm run react:dev' which starts webpack configured with babel,
7 Run command 'npm run test' which will run tests using Jest Testing Framework from test folder
1 Once the server is running user can access client page in brower at http://localhost:3004
2 User can specify id for ex. http://localhost:3004/?id=6
to get all 'also viewed items' from category id = 6
3 If no id is specified it takes default id = 1 (This option is just used for testing and integration)
4 Presently database is setup with category ids between 1 to 8, if id = 11 is specified in http://localhost:3004/?id=11
then page displays message 'No items for category id : 11'