There are some subtrees to manage external repositories (e.g., st and zim). Remember to update changes in upstream regulary using
git subtree pull --prefix=terminal/.local/st st_remote master --squash
git subtree pull --prefix=zsh/.zim zim_remote master --squash
Setup (assuming ubuntu-based distro):
sudo apt install git
git clone <repo> ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles
stow <each folder>
Compile st and register it with tic -s
0. Prerequisites
* devtools:
1. General
* imagemagick
* xprop
* xdpyinfo
* pstree
* awk
* pigz and pbzip2
* ranger ( TODO: check et al.
* w3mimgdisplay (to view images inside ranger)
* highlight (to pygmetnize inside rangera
* ls++ ( / check progress of
* zathura (with libsynctex!)
* joe (gitignore generator)
2. neovim
* nvim
* ripgrep (
* fd (
* xclip
3. i3, desktop
* install a recent enough version
* j4-demnu-desktop [github](, perhaps take a look at jaagr/polybar
* TODO: try to make it nord:
* TODO: check out Arc-Dark gtk theme
4. tmux
* install tmux > ~2.7
* git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
5. git
6. terminal
* !!! compile terminal in ~/.local/st
* fira code font (make sure it has support for powerline)