Our data can be found here : https://github.com/allenai/SciREX/blob/master/scirex_dataset/release_data.tar.gz You can also browse the dataset at - https://allenai.github.io/SciREX/ testtesttest
It contains 3 files - {train, dev, test}.jsonl
Each file contains one document per line in format -
"coref" : Dict[EntityName, List[Span]] = Salient Entities in the document and mentions belonging to it,
"doc_id" : str = Document Id as used by Semantic Scholar,
"method_subrelations" : Dict[EntityName, List[Tuple[Span, SubEntityName]]] = Each Methods may be subdivided into simpler submethods and Submenthods in coref array. For example, DLDL+VGG-Face is broken into two methods DLDL , VGG-Face,
"n_ary_relations" : List[Dict[EntityType, EntityName]] = List of Relations where each Relation is a dictionary with 5 keys (Method, Metric, Task, Material, Score),
"ner" : List[TypedMention] = Typed Spans indexing into words indicating mentions,
"sections" : List[Span] = Spans indexing into words array that indicate sections,
"sentences" : List[Span] = Spans indexing into words array that indicate sentences,
"words" : List[str] = List of words in the document.
Span = Tuple[int, int] # Inclusive start and Exclusive end index
TypedMention = Tuple[int, int, EntityType]
EntityType = Union["Method", "Metric", "Task", "Material"]
EntityName = str
A note of concern: Further analysis of our dataset revealed that ~50% of relations contain atleast one entity with no mentions in the paper (they occur in tables which we have discarded from our dataset). This makes evaluation of end to end task difficult (no predicted cluster can match that gold cluster). Currently, we remove these relations during evaluation for the end to end task (https://github.com/allenai/SciREX/blob/master/scirex/evaluation_scripts/scirex_relation_evaluate.py#L110). Note that this artifically reduces the precision of our model.
conda create -n scirex python=3.7
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en
- Please set the
env variable to root of this repository.
- Extract the dataset files in folder
tar -xvzf scirex_dataset/release_data.tar.gz --directory scirex_dataset
- Export path to scibert
export BERT_BASE_FOLDER=<path-to-scibert>
. This path should contain two files atleast - vocab.txt and weights.tar.gz. Download the file here https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ai2-s2-research/scibert/pytorch_models/scibert_scivocab_uncased.tar and untar it. - Run
CUDA_DEVICE=<cuda-device-num> bash scirex/commands/train_scirex_model.sh main
to train main scirex model - Run
CUDA_DEVICE=<cuda-device-num> bash scirex/commands/train_pairwise_coreference.sh main
to train secondary coreference model.
scirex_archive=outputs/pwc_outputs/experiment_scirex_full/main \
scirex_coreference_archive=outputs/pwc_outputs/experiment_coreference/main \
cuda_device=<cuda-device-num> \
bash scirex/commands/predict_scirex_model.sh
title={SciREX: A Challenge Dataset for Document-Level Information Extraction},
author={Sarthak Jain and Madeleine van Zuylen and Hannaneh Hajishirzi and Iz Beltagy},
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics",