Cross-Platform, Protocol-Oriented Programming base library to complement the Swift Standard Library. (Pure Swift, Supports Linux)
Basic math functions for float and double in Swift
A Python-based toolbox of various methods in decision making, uncertainty quantification and statistical emulation: multi-fidelity, experimental design, Bayesian optimisation, Bayesian quadrature, …
Gaussian Process Optimization using GPy
Public facing notes page
Scala implementation of a Branch and Bound Balltree algorithm to find points in vector space that have largest inner product to a given query (maximum inner product search).
Simple MPL-2.0-licensed C++ geometry processing library.
Reverse engineered Linux driver for the FacetimeHD (Broadcom 1570) PCIe webcam
Generate stereogram images (popularized as "Magic Eye") in the browser
Unsurprising JavaScript - No longer active
Matrix completion and decomposition algorithm
Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
❓ Introduces the `maybe` syntax to RSpec.
INACTIVE. Server in the Stellar network. Maintains the distributed ledger. Introduces and validates transactions. This repo is not in active development, it is being replaced by stellar-core.
A small django app around sendgrid and its webhooks
Adding ruby style each iterator to Cocoa/Cocoa touch Swift Array and Range classes, And Int.times{} to Int class
Real-time collaborative editing plugin for IntelliJ