This is the MeteoSwiss version of the Python ARM Radar Toolkit, Py-ART. This version contains features developed at MeteoSwiss that have not yet been pulled into the ARM-DOE Py-ART. MeteoSwiss contributes to the ARM-DOE Py-ART on a regular basis.
Users of Pyrad that want to exploit its full functionality should preferably use this version instead of the ARM-DOE one. The MeteoSwiss Py-ART is a submodule of the Pyrad superproject.
To install the MeteoSwiss Py-ART as part of the Pyrad superproject have a look at the Pyrad user manual(pdf)
For details on the implemented function check the MeteoSwiss Py-ART library reference for users. Downloadable copies can be found in the Pyrad repository:
Suggestions of developments and bug reports should use the Issues page of the Pyrad github repository.
We welcome contributions. The process to contribute by partners external to MeteoSwiss is described in the Pyrad user manual. However consider contributing directly to the ARM-DOE Py-ART to serve a broader community.
The software is still in a development stage. Please let us know if you would like to test it.
MeteoSwiss cannot be held responsible for errors in the code or problems that could arise from its use.