studyGroup Public
Forked from UofTCoders/studyGroupWelcome to the University of Toronto Coders!
Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedJun 20, 2019 -
wafer-inspection Public
Forked from caslabai/wafer-inspectionClassify WM-811K wafer map for error type
Python UpdatedSep 26, 2018 -
Hands-On-Reinforcement-Learning-With-Python Public
Forked from sudharsan13296/Hands-On-Reinforcement-Learning-With-PythonMaster Reinforcement and Deep Reinforcement Learning using OpenAI Gym and TensorFlow
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 30, 2018 -
awesome-RecSys-papers Public
Forked from YuyangZhangFTD/awesome-RecSys-papersThe awesome and classic papers in recommendation system!!! Good luck to every RecSys-learner!
UpdatedMar 6, 2018 -
recsys-hpf Public
Forked from dadaromeo/recsys-hpfMovies Recommendation with Hierarchical Poisson Factorization in Edward
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 4, 2018 -
fastFM Public
Forked from ibayer/fastFMfastFM: A Library for Factorization Machines
Python Other UpdatedFeb 14, 2018 -
list_of_recommender_systems Public
Forked from grahamjenson/list_of_recommender_systemsA List of Recommender Systems and Resources
UpdatedFeb 5, 2018 -
python-recsys Public
Forked from ocelma/python-recsysA python library for implementing a recommender system
Python UpdatedAug 14, 2017 -
wtte-rnn Public
Forked from ragulpr/wtte-rnnWTTE-RNN a framework for churn and time to event prediction
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 11, 2017 -
stat-learning Public
Forked from asadoughi/stat-learningNotes and exercise attempts for "An Introduction to Statistical Learning"
HTML UpdatedAug 1, 2017 -
keras-wtte-rnn Public
Forked from daynebatten/keras-wtte-rnnDemo Weibull Time-to-event Recurrent Neural Network in Keras
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 6, 2017 -
accy571-fa16 Public
Forked from lcdm-uiuc/accy571-fa16ACCY 571 Fall 2016 course repository
Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedNov 30, 2016 -
ThreatHunting Public
Forked from ThreatHuntingProject/ThreatHuntingAn informational repo about hunting for adversaries in your IT environment.
UpdatedNov 30, 2016 -
awesome-machine-learning Public
Forked from josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learningA curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.
Python Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedOct 17, 2016 -
agent-trainer Public
Forked from lopespm/agent-trainerUsing tensorflow, this agent can autonomously train itself to play Out Run and potentially be modified to play other games or perform tasks other than gaming
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 6, 2016 -
PythonToScala Public
Forked from wrobstory/PythonToScalaA short guide for transitioning from Python to Scala
UpdatedJan 5, 2016 -
graphsim Public
Forked from caesar0301/graphsimGraph similarity algorithms based on NetworkX.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 22, 2015 -
ISL Public
Forked from ilyakava/ISLStudent Sourced Solution Manual for "An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R"
R UpdatedJan 15, 2015