Archived: moved to a branch rpi
on dotfiles_remote.git
on 2021-03-03
System configuration files for my Raspberry Pi devices, including:
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
- Raspberry Pi Zero W
- (eventually) Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (4GB or 8GB RAM)
Essentially a public fork of my private repo [email protected]:felker/dotfiles_remote.git as of 2021-02-10.
Public so I can bypass any SSH keypair setup specific to my Raspberry Pi's and instead directly clone this repo when setting up a new device (or pushing changes back here).
- LXTerminal > Style > Palette > Solarized Dark
- Change default resolution
- Change default shell to Zsh
In order to get a functional Meta key for Emacs over VNC Viewer, need to configure
> Super_L
(default is Alt_L
> Alt_L
(default is ExtendedChars
See Keyboard Mapping To and From a Mac
Unrelated: on Karabiner on macOS, I added a mapping (in summer or fall 2020) from the PC application key (AKA "menu key") to Fn to match the custom macOS keycap layout on my Das Keyboard. This was so that I can control the debugger and builder steps in VSCode.
Left and Right Opt keys still can be used to produce extended characters on macOS. For example, Option+5 = ∞.
- Homebridge installation and setup
- ConBee II and deCONZ setup
- Unifi Protect plugin for Homebridge
- Linking deCONZ and Homebridge services to account for the delay in bringing up the lights resources in the Zigbee network before Homebridge is started
- OTAU for IKEA Tradfri firmware
- How to update the correct Node and npm executables and libraries that match the Homebridge distro