Read data from HEC-RAS HDF files.
Pronunciation: raz·aitch·dee·eff
$ pip install rashdf
and RasPlanHdf
are extensions of
h5py.File. They contain
methods to export HEC-RAS model geometry as
>>> from rashdf import RasGeomHdf
>>> geom_hdf = RasGeomHdf("path/to/rasmodel/Muncie.g04.hdf")
>>> mesh_cells = geom_hdf.mesh_cell_polygons() # export a GeoDataFrame
>>> mesh_cells
mesh_name cell_id geometry
0 2D Interior Area 0 POLYGON ((406025.000 1805015.237, 406025.000 1...
1 2D Interior Area 1 POLYGON ((406075.000 1805018.545, 406075.000 1...
2 2D Interior Area 2 POLYGON ((406075.000 1804975.000, 406075.000 1...
3 2D Interior Area 3 POLYGON ((406125.000 1804975.000, 406125.000 1...
4 2D Interior Area 4 POLYGON ((406175.000 1804975.000, 406175.000 1...
... ... ... ...
5386 2D Interior Area 5386 POLYGON ((409163.402 1802463.621, 409175.000 1...
5387 2D Interior Area 5387 POLYGON ((409160.953 1802374.120, 409125.000 1...
5388 2D Interior Area 5388 POLYGON ((409163.402 1802463.621, 409161.906 1...
5389 2D Interior Area 5389 POLYGON ((409112.480 1802410.114, 409112.046 1...
5390 2D Interior Area 5390 POLYGON ((409112.480 1802410.114, 409063.039 1...
>>> mesh_cells.to_file("mucie-mesh-cell-polygons.shp")
Also, methods to extract certain HDF group attributes as dictionaries:
>>> from rashdf import RasPlanHdf
>>> with RasPlanHdf("path/to/rasmodel/Muncie.p04.hdf") as plan_hdf:
>>> results_unsteady_summary = plan_hdf.get_results_unsteady_summary()
>>> results_unsteady_summary
{'Computation Time DSS': datetime.timedelta(0),
'Computation Time Total': datetime.timedelta(seconds=23),
'Maximum WSEL Error': 0.0099277812987566,
'Maximum number of cores': 6,
'Run Time Window': [datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 27, 9, 31, 52),
datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 27, 9, 32, 15)],
'Solution': 'Unsteady Finished Successfully',
'Time Solution Went Unstable': None,
'Time Stamp Solution Went Unstable': 'Not Applicable'}
The rashdf
command-line interface allows export directly to a variety of formats, enabled
by GeoPandas.
$ rashdf <sub-command> <hdf-file> [<output-path>] [<options>]
CLI help:
$ rashdf --help
Print the output formats supported by Fiona:
$ rashdf --fiona-drivers
Help for a specific subcommand:
$ rashdf mesh_cell_polygons --help
Example: export mesh cell faces to an ESRI Shapefile
$ rashdf mesh_cell_faces BigRiver.g01.hdf big-river-mesh-cell-faces.shp
Example: export mesh cell points to GeoParquet
$ rashdf mesh_cell_points LittleCreek.g01.hdf --parquet little-creek-mesh-cell-points.parquet
Example: export breaklines to OGC GeoPackage and reproject to a different CRS
$ rashdf breaklines Whitemarsh.p01.hdf whitemarsh-breaklines.gpkg --to-crs EPSG:4326
Example: write structures GeoJSON to stdout
$ rashdf structures Potomac.p01.hdf
Create a virtual environment in the project directory:
$ python -m venv venv-rashdf
Activate the virtual environment:
$ source ./venv/bin/activate
(venv-rashdf) $
Install dev dependencies:
(venv-rashdf) $ pip install ".[dev]"
Install git hook scripts (used for automatic liniting/formatting)
(venv-rashdf) $ pre-commit install
With the virtual environment activated, run the tests:
(venv-rashdf) $ pytest