injectedConsole open a new terminal, start a python interactive environment and inject the relevant context. TODO: to be continued... References Website Sigil Official Website mobileread Documentation Python 3.x documentation EPUB 2.0.1 EPUB 3.0 EPUB 3 COMMUNITY GROUP Sigil docs | GitHub Sigil repo Sigil github repository docs directory Sigil_Plugin_Framework_rev13.epub Resources Recommended softwares watchman kite tabnine Recommended modules Package Manager pip poetry conda pipx Text flashtext fuzzywuzzy yarl Styled Text Pygments highlight.js prettify-js pandoc mistune Markdown markdown-katex latex2mathml mdtex2html Image Pillow opencv-python Parser or Selector lxml pyquery beautifulsoup4 parsel cssselect2 cssselect html5lib htmldom CSS cssutils tinycss2 tinycss Font fonttools Translation OpenCC pypinyin TUI ncurses rich Urwid blessed GUI PyQt5 PyQt4 PySide2 PySide PyAutoGUI layoutx tkdnd TkinterDnD2 tkinterdnd2 Debug pytest nose2 birdseye Type Check typeshed typeshed-client mypy pytype pyre-check pydantic typeguard Others watchdog