This is the official site for the paper "Butterfly: One-step Approach towards Wildly Unsupervised Domain Adaptation" ( This work is done by
- Dr. Feng Liu (UTS), [email protected]
- Prof. Jie Lu (UTS), [email protected]
- Dr. Bo Han (HKBU/RIKEN), [email protected]
- Dr. Gang Niu (RIKEN), [email protected]
- A/Prof. Guangquan Zhang (UTS), [email protected]
- Prof. Masashi Sugiyama (UTokyo/RIKEN), [email protected].
This paper has been accepted by NeurIPS'19 LTS Workshop and under the second review of IEEE-TPAMI.
TensorFlow version is 1.14.0. Python version is 3.7.3. CUDA version is 11.2.
These python files require some basic scientific computing python packages, e.g., numpy. I recommend users to install python via Anaconda (python 3.7.3), which can be downloaded from . If you have installed Anaconda, then you do not need to worry about these basic packages.
After you install anaconda, tensorflow and download MNIST and SYND data below, you can run codes successfully. Good luck!
You can download MNIST and SYND data used in our paper from
You can download Amazon and BCIS data used in our paper from
Ensure that you have the following folder structure after downloading:
There are 8 tasks in file:
- MNIST to SYND (M2S) under Pair-flip noise 20% (P20)
- MNIST to SYND (M2S) under Pair-flip noise 45% (P45)
- MNIST to SYND (M2S) under Symmetry-flip noise 20% (S20)
- MNIST to SYND (M2S) under Symmetry-flip noise 45% (S45)
- SYND to MNIST (S2M) under Pair-flip noise 20% (P20)
- SYND to MNIST (S2M) under Pair-flip noise 45% (P45)
- SYND to MNIST (S2M) under Symmetry-flip noise 45% (S45)
- SYND to MNIST (S2M) under Symmetry-flip noise 45% (S45)
You can specify one task and run Butterfly using
python --Task_type 1
--> get results for the first task.
There are 24 tasks in file. You can run
--> get results for Amazon dataset.
There are 3 tasks in file. You can run
--> get results for BCIS dataset.
If you are using this code for your own researching, please consider citing
title={Butterfly: A Panacea for All Difficulties in Wildly Unsupervised Domain Adaptation},
author={Liu, F. and Lu, J. and Han, B. and Niu, G. and Zhang, G. and Sugiyama, M.},
booktitle={NeurIPS LTS Workshop},
FL, JL and GZ were supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) under FL190100149. BH was supported by the RGC Early Career Scheme No. 22200720 and NSFC Young Scientists Fund No. 62006202, HKBU Tier-1 Start-up Grant, HKBU CSD Start-up Grant, HKBU CSD Departmental Incentive Grant, and a RIKEN BAIHO Award. GN and MS were supported by JST AIP Acceleration Research Grant Number JPMJCR20U3, Japan. MS was also supported by the Institute for AI and Beyond, UTokyo.