It's February 2015 and simple_token_authentication gem now supports rails-api gem. Thanks, Rails Community!
There are two main things that you need to do to achieve a working solution after installing and configuring both devise and simple_token_authentication. Add the two modules (according to rails-api documentation in here and respond_to in
If you still would like to check how it all works from the beginning till the end, then read along.
If you've been wandering around teh internets and wondering: "How on earth there is no one, right, standard way to do token authentication for Rails APIs?", you've come to the right place.
I've been there and I thought: "What the hell, Rails Community?" But apparently Rails Community is also me, so here's my input.
I'm using:
- (0.3.1),
- (3.4.1),
- (1.6.0).
It's November 2014 and this is how it's done.
The knowledge is hidden in the commits. Go through them one by one and you will know what to do. Don't get frightened or carried away, there's very little to do by hand. Although, keep in mind that configuration of devise is not a part of this tutorial, this is supposed to be quick, standard, and automatic.
Try to get data from the dummy endpoint.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:3000/asdf.json
{"error":"You need to sign in or sign up before continuing."}
Sign up a user (sing in also returns authentication token).
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{ "user": { "email": "[email protected]", "password": "niewola123" } }' http://localhost:3000/users.json
{"id":3,"email":"[email protected]","created_at":"2014-11-27T22:48:38.025Z","updated_at":"2014-11-27T22:48:38.036Z","authentication_token":"8higdvxsm-VhnTY_9tst"}
Try again with authentication headers.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/jsoni" -H "X-User-Token: 8higdvxsm-VhnTY_9tst" -H "X-User-Email: [email protected]" -X GET http://localhost:3000/asdf.json
{"message":"Well done!"}
See other devise endpoints.
rake routes
Be wished good luck.
echo Good luck!
In case there's anything wrong in here, point it out, please. But as for me, it seems like a solution I've been looking for.