Machine learning software for rapid spectral analysis. While Raman spectra were the initilal focus, SpectraKeras
is flexible to be applied for classification using any spectra (from XRD, FTIR and beyond). The previous generation software (SpectraLearnPredict
) is no longer developed.
- Currently supported ML architectures:
- DNNClassifier (TensorFlow, TensorFlow-Lite)
- Convolutional Neural Networks (TensorFlow, TensorFlow-Lite)
- Required libraries for prediction:
- tensorflow (v2.16.2 recommended)
- Optional: tensorflow-lite (v2.16.2 recommended)
- Optional: tensorflow-lite runtime
- Optional: tensorflow-lite runtime with Coral EdgeTPU
If you use SpectralMachine or SpectraKeras, we request that you reference the papers/resources on which SpectralMachine is based:
- N Ferralis, SpectralMachine and SpectraKeras (2017),
- N. Ferralis, R.E. Sumons, Automated Mineral and Geochemical Classification from Spectroscopy Data using Machine Learning, AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, DC, December 2018,
- N. Ferralis, Automated Materials Classification from Spectroscopy/Diffraction through Deep Neural Networks, MRS Fall Meeting 2018, Boston, MA, November 2018,
If available from the main site, you can install SpectraKeras by running:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade spectrakeras-2025.02.25.1-py3-none-any.whl
SpectraKeras_CNN and Spectrakeras_MLP are available directly from the command line.
NOTE: The Utilities in the Utilities
folder are not included in the package, and can be run locally as needed.
Make sure you have the PyPA build package installed:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
To build the wheel package rom the SpectraKeras
folder run:
python3 -m build
A wheel package is available in the subfolder dir
. You can install it following the instructions shown above.
This software requires Python (3.9 or higher). It has been tested with Python 3.9 or higher which is the recommended platform. It is not compatible with python 2.x. Additional required packages:
tensorflow (>=2.16.2)
In addition, these packages may be needed depending on your platform (via apt-get
in debian/ubuntu or port
in OSX):
These are found in Unix based systems using common repositories (apt-get for Debian/Ubuntu Linux, or MacPorts for MacOS). More details in the scikit-learn installation page.
TensorFlow is needed only if flag is activated. Instructions for Linux and MacOS can be found in TensorFlow installation page. Pip installation is the easiest way to get going. Tested with TensorFlow 2.x (2.15 or higher preferred). TF 2.15 is the currently supported release.
Inference can be carried out using the regular tensorflow, or using tensorflow-lite for quantized models. Loading times of tflite (direct or via tflite-runtime) are significantly faster than tensorflow with minimal loss in accuracy. SpectraKeras provides an option to convert tensorflow models to quantized tflite models. TFlite models have been tested in Linux x86-64, arm7 (including Raspberry Pi3) and aarm64, MacOS, Windows. To use quantized models, TF 2.13 or higher is recommended.
Inference using the Coral EdgeTPU tensorflow-lite requires the libedgetpu libraries compatible with the supported and current version of tflite-runtime
(version v2.13.0 or hiigher, v2.16.1 recommended), which is also required (Instructions and binaries can be found here. More information on installation of such libraries at Coral EdgeTPU.
Train (Random cross validation):
python3 -t <learningFile>
Train (with external validation):
python3 -t <learningFile> <validationFile>
python3 -p <testFile>
Batch predict:
python3 -b <folder>
Display Neural Netwrok Configuration:
python3 -n <learningFile>
Convert model to quantized tflite:
python3 -l <learningFile>
Determine accuracy using h5 testing file with spectra:
python3 -a <testFile>
Train (Random cross validation):
python3 -t <learningFile>
Train (with external validation):
python3 -t <learningFile> <validationFile>
python3 -p <testFile>
Batch predict:
python3 -b <folder>
Convert model to quantized tflite:
python3 -l <learningFile>
Determine accuracy using h5 testing file with spectra:
python3 -a <testFile>
The main idea behind the software is to train classification or regression models from plain spectra (which can be Raman, but they can be any spectra or diffraction profiles, as long as the model is consistent), rather than from manually selected features (such as bands, peaks, widths, etc). So, suppose one has training files similar to this, where the first column is the Raman shiift, the second is intensity:
1000 123
1001 140
1002 180
1003 150
Let's say this file correspond to label 1, and now one has a collection of files that will be used for training each with its own label, the input file will look like this:
0 1000 1001 1002 1003 ...
lab1 123 140 180 150 ...
lab2 ... ... ... ... ...
Essentially each line in the input file corresponds to a training file with its label. during training the model will learn (either through a simple deep MLP network using
, or through a Convolutional Network using
, which is recommended) to extract features needed for prediction. Note that all spectra needs to have the same Raman shifts max min and step.
Of course it is not expected that the user manually compiles the training file from a possibly large collection of spectra. For that,
is available in the Utilities
folder, that can be used to automatically create such files. Basically you can run from the folder where you have your spectra:
python3 <learnfile> <enInitial> <enFinal> <enStep>
The script will interpolate each spectra within the Raman shifts parameters you set above. Note that there are some basic configuration that you may need to change in the
for your case (such as delimiter between data, extension of the files, etc).
One can use the same to create a validation file, or you can use other scripts also provided to split the training set into training+validation. That can be done randomly within SpectraKeras, but the split will be different every time you run it.
Once models are trained trained, prediction on individual files can be made using simply formatted ASCII files (like in the example above).
We do not provide advanced training sets, some of which can be found online. We only provide a simple Raman dataset mainly for testing purposes: it is loosely based on 633nm data from Ferralis et al. Carbon 108 (2016) 440.
- Neural Networks
- Deep Neural Networks - Multilayer Perceptron
- Deep Neural Networks - TensorFlow
- TensorFlow
- Support Vector Classification - deprecated
- K-Means - deprecated
- Principal Component Analysis - deprecated