tesla-api Public
Forked from timdorr/tesla-api🚘 A Ruby gem and unofficial documentation of Tesla's JSON API for the Model S, 3, X, and Y.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 6, 2023 -
a scrapper for google finance currency converter
HTML Other UpdatedMar 16, 2023 -
bashblog Public
Forked from cfenollosa/bashblogA single Bash script to create blogs. Download, run, write, done!
Shell UpdatedAug 24, 2022 -
yadr.custom Public
Forked from rpanachi/yadr.customskwp/dotfiles customizations
Shell UpdatedJun 27, 2022 -
Adafruit_nRF52_Arduino Public
Forked from adafruit/Adafruit_nRF52_ArduinoAdafruit code for the Nordic nRF52 BLE SoC on Arduino
C Other UpdatedNov 9, 2020 -
markdown-content Public
Forked from aerobatic/markdown-contentMarkdown content for the www.aerobatic.io website
UpdatedOct 2, 2020 -
github-issue-templates Public
Forked from stevemao/github-issue-templates🔣 A collection of GitHub issue and pull request templates
UpdatedApr 3, 2020 -
colors Public
Forked from jonasjacek/colorsList of 256 color codes for Xterm including an example of the color, Xterm Name, Xterm Number, HEX, RGB and HSL code.
HTML Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International UpdatedOct 21, 2019 -
flutter_simple_permissions Public
Forked from bizz84/flutter_simple_permissionsA new flutter plugin for checking and requesting permissions on iOs and Android.
Swift MIT License UpdatedJan 16, 2019 -
flutter-permission-handler Public
Forked from Baseflow/flutter-permission-handlerPermission plugin for Flutter. This plugin provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android) API to request and check permissions.
Dart MIT License UpdatedOct 29, 2018 -
eleicoes2018 Public
Forked from jfsso/eleicoes2018Brincando com Python
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 20, 2018 -
bash-insulter Public
Forked from hkbakke/bash-insulterInsults the user when typing wrong command
UpdatedNov 17, 2017 -
iOS-Runtime-Headers Public
Forked from nst/iOS-Runtime-HeadersiOS Objective-C headers as derived from runtime introspection
Objective-C UpdatedFeb 20, 2017 -
react-native-autolink Public
Forked from joshswan/react-native-autolinkAutomatic linking of URLs, phone numbers, emails, etc. in strings for React Native
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 8, 2016 -
ble-ancs Public
Forked from robotastic/ble-ancsA NodeJS library for Apple Notification Center Service over BLE
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 12, 2016 -
xcfui Public
Forked from jcavar/xcfuiXcode plugin for fui tool
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedOct 16, 2015 -
SCSQLite Public
Forked from lucascorrea/SCSQLiteThe SCSQLite is a wrapper of SQLite Objective-C for iPhone and iPad (iOS). (http://sqlite.org/)
Objective-C Other UpdatedApr 9, 2015 -
AngryBirdsAI-Rendezvous Public
Forked from madhavkhakhar/AngryBirdsAI-Rendezvous -
japan-map Public
Forked from takemaru-hirai/japan-mapjQuery plugin to show clickable map of prefectures (or area) of Japan.