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In this repository I will commit some functions that I had stored locally and can be handy when performing data analysis with Twitter (for example).

section 1: SEARCH API

Script to connect to Tweeter Search API, retrieve twets and perform some text cleaning / analysis displaying a wordcloud with the words more used in the tweets.

Wordcloud of the example provided, words most used in the tweets in the program ".CAT" of TV3 (Catalan TV 2015-10-29).

alt text

##### Script that connects to Twitter SEARCH API.

# Furthermore in this example is performed an analysis of the words
# most used in the tweets analyzed.


#Import libraries

## Retrieve twitts
library(RColorBrewer)#paleta de colores
library(tm) # analisis de texto

#Function to set Twitter connection, read tokens from file.
#Note that previously you need to create a Tweeter APP in the developer
#section and obtain your private keys. I have stored them in a CSV file
# named "TwitterCredentials.csv". This function will read your keys and 
# set the connection with Tweeter SEARCH API. 
#Note that this API does not provide the same funcionality than the STREAMING API.

#ie: the search API does not provide completeness (obtain a representative amount of tweets), 
# and usually one can retrieve tweets created  a few days in advance.
# On the other hand, Tweeter Streaming API captures all tweets matching the 
# query in REAL TIME.
setTwitterConnection = function(filename)
  #Twitter connection
  fc=read.csv(filename,colClasses = "character")
  Key <- fc$Key
  Secret <- fc$Secret
  accessToken <- fc$AccessToken
  accessSecret <- fc$AccessSecret
  setup_twitter_oauth(Key, Secret, access_token= accessToken, access_secret= accessSecret)

#Function to clean special characters
cleanText = function(x)
  x <- iconv(x,to="latin1")
  #remove URLs
  x <- gsub('http.*\\s*','',x)
  #remove punctiation and catalan punctuation
  x <- gsub("'|,",' ',x)
  x <- gsub("ó|ó",'o',x)
  x <- gsub("í",'i',x)
  x <- gsub("è|é",'e',x)
  x <- gsub("à|á",'a',x)
  x <- gsub("ú",'u',x)
  # remove Twitter specifics: at (user referenced) , hashtags and retweets
  x = gsub("@\\w+", "", x)
  x = gsub("#\\w+", "", x)
  x = gsub("RT", "", x)

######## INIT #####

#connect to Twitter

#Query, search Tweets and analysis of WORD MOST USED

#In this example I am looking for the next hashtag,
#which was used in the program ".CAT" of TV3 (29-10-2015)
handle <- '#ForcadellTV3'
txt <- searchTwitter(handle,n=200)

#txt <- searchTwitter(handle,n=3000,since='2015-10-01',until='2015-10-29')
#txt <-closestTrendLocations(lat='41.385064', long='2.173403')
#txt <- getTrends('753692')
#txt <- userTimeline("write_user_name_here")
#txt <- searchTwitter("from:FCBarcelona")

#Obtain tweet text and clean it accoding to the function I wrote above
t <- sapply(txt,function(x) x$getText())
t <- cleanText(t)

#clean and transform creating a Corpus
myWordsToDelete <- c("q")
allWordsToDelete <- c(stopwords("catalan"),stopwords("spanish"),stopwords("english"),myWordsToDelete)

corpusT <- Corpus(VectorSource(t))

corpusT <- tm_map(corpusT, PlainTextDocument)
corpusT <- tm_map(corpusT, content_transformer(tolower))
corpusT <- tm_map(corpusT, removePunctuation)
corpusT <- tm_map(corpusT, removeNumbers)
corpusT <- tm_map(corpusT, removeWords, allWordsToDelete)
corpusT <- tm_map(corpusT, stripWhitespace)

#Term Document Matrix (# word per tweet): Rows->words, columns->Tweets or textFile
tdm = TermDocumentMatrix(corpusT, control=list(wordLengths=c(1,Inf)))
#tdm = TermDocumentMatrix(t_c,control = list(stopwords = myStopwords,stripWhitespace = TRUE,removeNumbers = TRUE,removePunctuation = TRUE, content_transformer(tolower)))

#obtain word (counts) ordered in decreasing order
m = as.matrix(tdm)
word_freqs = sort(rowSums(m), decreasing=TRUE) 

# create a data frame with words and their frequencies
dm = data.frame(word=names(word_freqs), freq=word_freqs)

#display wordcloud
#wordcloud(dm$word,dm$freq,max.words=70,random.order=FALSE, colors=brewer.pal(6, "Dark2"),rot.per=0.5)
wordcloud(dm$word,dm$freq,max.words=70,random.order=FALSE, scale=c(3,.4), colors=brewer.pal(6,"Dark2"))

freq <- sort(rowSums(as.matrix(tdm)), decreasing=TRUE)


print("***List words with more frequency:")
print(head(freq, 20))

#termFrequency <- rowSums(as.matrix(tdm))
# load tweets into R
#(n.tweet <- length(tweets))
# convert tweets to a data frame
#tweets.df <- twListToDF(tweets)

section 2: STREAMING API

Script to connect to Tweeter STRAMING API, retrieve tweets and perform an analysis:

  • location from where the tweets where made.
  • wordcloud, words more used in tweets after performing some cleaning
map plot (Catalonia) of the example provided, location of the tweets in the program ".CAT" of TV3 (Catalan TV 2015-10-29).

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map plot (Europe) of the example provided, location of the tweets in the program ".CAT" of TV3 (Catalan TV 2015-10-29).

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Word cloud of words most used using sreaming API in program ".CAT" of TV3 (Catalan TV 2015-10-29).

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# Note, I have written this function for setting the connection to Twitter Streaming API,
# which requires reading from a CSV file where we have stored previously our API parameters
# -consumerKey
# -consumerSecret
# -accessToken
# -accessSecret
setTwitterConnection = function(filename)
  # Part 1: Twitter connection, read my private application keys (first create twitter app in developer section)
  fc=read.csv(filename,colClasses = "character")
  Key <- fc$Key
  Secret <- fc$Secret
  accessToken <- fc$AccessToken
  accessSecret <- fc$AccessSecret
  # PART 2: Declare Twitter API Credentials & Create Handshake
  requestURL <- ""
  accessURL <- ""
  authURL <- ""
  my_oauth <- OAuthFactory$new(consumerKey = Key,
                               consumerSecret = Secret,
                               requestURL = requestURL,
                               accessURL = accessURL,
                               authURL = authURL)
  my_oauth$handshake(cainfo = system.file("CurlSSL", "cacert.pem", package = "RCurl"))

  # PART 2: Save the my_oauth data to an .Rdata file
  save(my_oauth, file = "my_oauth.Rdata")


# C) Capture Twitts using the Sreaming API
captureTweetsRealTime = function(case)
      #Select wich case to RUN:
          {# C.1) Streaming, parsing tweets case 1.
            #Empty previous tweets
            #if(file.exists("tweets.json")) file.remove("tweets.json")
            filterStream( = "tweets.json", # Save tweets in a json file
                         track = c("ForcadellTV3","#ForcadellTv3"), # Collect tweets mentioning either Affordable Care Act, ACA, or Obamacare
                         timeout = 3600, # Keep connection alive for 60 seconds
                         oauth = my_oauth) # Use my_oauth file as the OAuth credentials
            tweets.df <- parseTweets("tweets.json", simplify = FALSE) # parse the json file and save to a data frame called tweets.df. Simplify = FALSE ensures that we include lat/lon information in that data frame.
          {# C.2) Streaming, parsing tweets case 2. 
            #Empty previous tweets
            if(file.exists("tweets.json")) file.remove("tweets.json")
            filterStream( = "tweets.json", # Save tweets in a json file
                         track = c("FCBarcelona", "futbol"), # Collect tweets mentioning either Affordable Care Act, ACA, or Obamacare
                         language = "es",
                         timeout = 30, # Keep connection alive for 60 seconds
                         oauth = my_oauth) # Use my_oauth file as the OAuth credentials
            tweets.df <- parseTweets("tweets.json", simplify = FALSE) # parse the json file and save to a data frame called tweets.df. Simplify = FALSE ensures that we include lat/lon information in that data frame.

#Function to clean special characters
cleanText = function(x)
  x <- iconv(x,to="latin1")
  #remove URLs
  x <- gsub('http.*\\s*','',x)
  #remove punctiation and catalan punctuation
  x <- gsub("'|,",' ',x)
  x <- gsub("ó|ó",'o',x)
  x <- gsub("í",'i',x)
  x <- gsub("è|é",'e',x)
  x <- gsub("à|á",'a',x)
  x <- gsub("ú",'u',x)
  # remove Twitter specifics: at (user referenced) , hashtags and retweets
  x = gsub("@\\w+", "", x)
  x = gsub("#\\w+", "", x)
  x = gsub("RT", "", x)

######## INIT - SET CONNECTION #####

#set new connection to Twitter (only required the first time). Next times you can access 
#loading "my_oauth.Rdata". Uncomment the next line for setting up the connection. Do not
#forget to comment it again after having stored the connection settings in the previous file.

#OPTION A) Only if we haven´t set the connection previously

#OPTION B) Next times load connection settings from file


# C) Capture Twitts using the Sreaming API. Uncomment to start capturing (blocking-real time)
# captureTweetsRealTime(1)

# D) Process tweets. Analysis.

# D.1) Plot location from where were made the tweets. Note that this is not exact since we are trying
# to read the field where the user wrote that he/she is living and later trying to figure out the coordenates.

tweetsToAnalyze <- parseTweets("tweets.json", simplify = FALSE) # parse the json file and save to a data frame called tweets.df. Simplify = FALSE ensures that we include lat/lon information in that data frame.
locatedUsers <- !$location)
locations <- geocode(tweetsToAnalyze$location[locatedUsers])  # Use amazing API to guess

# Create a data frame with the locations (coordenates) to display in the map
#d <- data.frame(lat=c(50.659631, 50.607213, 50.608129),lon=c(3.09319, 3.011473, 3.031529))
df_locations <- data.frame(lat=locations$lat,lon=locations$lon)

#Select map zone to display, size and paint points in the coordenates
myMap <- get_map("Catalonia", zoom=8)
p <- ggmap(myMap)
p + geom_point(data=d, aes(x=lon, y=lat), color="red", size=6, alpha=0.3)

#D.2) text analysis
mytext <- tweetsToAnalyze$text
mytextCleaned <- cleanText(mytext)

#clean and transform creating a Corpus
myWordsToDelete <- c("")
allWordsToDelete <- c(stopwords("catalan"),stopwords("spanish"),stopwords("english"),myWordsToDelete)

corpusT <- Corpus(VectorSource(mytextCleaned))

corpusT <- tm_map(corpusT, PlainTextDocument)
corpusT <- tm_map(corpusT, content_transformer(tolower))
corpusT <- tm_map(corpusT, removePunctuation)
corpusT <- tm_map(corpusT, removeNumbers)
corpusT <- tm_map(corpusT, removeWords, allWordsToDelete)
corpusT <- tm_map(corpusT, stripWhitespace)

#Term Document Matrix (# word per tweet): Rows->words, columns->Tweets or textFile
tdm = TermDocumentMatrix(corpusT, control=list(wordLengths=c(1,Inf)))
#tdm = TermDocumentMatrix(t_c,control = list(stopwords = myStopwords,stripWhitespace = TRUE,removeNumbers = TRUE,removePunctuation = TRUE, content_transformer(tolower)))

#obtain word (counts) ordered in decreasing order
m = as.matrix(tdm)
word_freqs = sort(rowSums(m), decreasing=TRUE) 

# create a data frame with words and their frequencies
dm = data.frame(word=names(word_freqs), freq=word_freqs)

# Display wordcloud
#wordcloud(dm$word,dm$freq,max.words=70,random.order=FALSE, colors=brewer.pal(6, "Dark2"),rot.per=0.5)
wordcloud(dm$word,dm$freq,max.words=70,random.order=FALSE, scale=c(3,.4), colors=brewer.pal(6,"Dark2"))

# List of word frequencies
freq <- sort(rowSums(as.matrix(tdm)), decreasing=TRUE)
print("***List words with more frequency:")
print(head(freq, 20))


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