is a Render-PDF-as-a-Service that provides developer-friendly APIs to render your HTML content to modern PDFs file sin seconds 😎.
All you have to do is get your API Key and send an API call 🚀, no infrastructure setup, no overhead and hassle-free integration 🔋.
Get your free API Key today: Sign Up to
DocKing is a document management service/microservice that handles templates and renders them in PDF format, all in one place.
You can utilize DocKing as a shared microservice, which can be integrated & used in any services from your big product.
Documentation: DocKing
DocKing is well-tested & production-ready 😉🏎️🚀
- Password: None
- Drivers:
- Gotenberg: Yes, use the Live Demo Instance (from
- WkHtmlToPdf: Yes, without any extensions or fonts.
- mPDF: Yes, without any extensions or fonts.
- Most of the features are disabled. You can only view & preview PDFs in multiple drivers.
- Manage all of your document templates just in one place 📰🧾.
- Dynamically render & export PDF from your desired data 🏃.
- Supports multiple state-of-the-art PDF Engines 🍻.
- Supports sync & async PDF rendering modes 🔥.
- Webhook notification after PDF rendered (for async flow) 🚀
- Built-in UI-console to manage & review the templates & files (for internal use) 🔋.
- Horizontal scaling when traffic goes high? DocKing got that 😉.
Check out our planned features here: The DocKing Project
From the diagram above, DocKing is standing as a "shared-microservice".
- Billing Service can manage their bill templates and render the PDFs.
- Order Service can manage their order templates and render the PDFs.
- Contract Service can manage their contract templates and render the PDFs.
- ...
Awesome, IKR?
DocKing ships the Built-in Console with awesome editor & features. Help you and the team to collaborate and manage everything easily.
Learn more: DocKing's Console UI
- PHP 8.2
- Laravel 10
- Any database (MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite - your choice)
- Personal preference: MySQL 8
- Vue 3
- Tailwind CSS
- Gotenberg ⭐️
- wkHTMLtoPDF ✅
- mPDF 🧰 (available since v1.1.0)
- Unit Tests to cover all functions & methods ❇️
- Integration Tests to test against REAL PDF ENGINES:
- Gotenberg ✅
- WkHtmlToPdf ✅
- mPDF ✅
- E2E Tests to validate REAL WORLD API CALLs & Rendering Async Flow
- Please follow PSR-1 & PSR-12 coding conventions
- Unit/Integration testing is a must
Thank you very much for your contributions!
ShipSaaS x Seth Phat & Contributors.
Copyright ©️ 2023 by ShipSaaS x Seth Phat.