Transparent and Efficient Financial Analysis
A brief description on how to use Financial Modeling Prep Api
Proof-of-concept DCF Valuation app using Python and Dash
Simple microservice written in python that holds stock related apis
R package - Financial Data from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
A guide to using the Interactive Brokers API with the Python ib_insync library
Python API for FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data) and ALFRED (Archival FRED)
fernped / pyalgotrade
Forked from gbeced/pyalgotradePython Algorithmic Trading Library
fernped / yfinance
Forked from ranaroussi/yfinanceDownload market data from Yahoo! Finance's API
fernped / DCF
Forked from halessi/DCFBasic Discounted Cash Flow library written in Python. Automatically fetches relevant financial documents for chosen company and calculates DCF based on specified parameters.
Run the VIX equation on a stock of your choosing.