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Tags: ferrandor/PowerModels.jl



Toggle v0.19.1's commit message


Toggle v0.19.0's commit message
[Diff since v0.18.4](lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl@v0.18.4...v0.19.0)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Update to JuMP v0.22 and Drop MOI Dependency (lanl-ansi#799) (@ccoffrin)


Toggle v0.18.4's commit message
[Diff since v0.18.3](lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl@v0.18.3...v0.18.4)

**Closed issues:**
- Export HVDC to psse (lanl-ansi#754)
- Relaxation sine on/off (sign issue) (lanl-ansi#786)
- Difficulty converging power flow case (lanl-ansi#793)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix sine on/off constraint (lanl-ansi#790) (@ccoffrin)
- Export HVDC to PSSE (fix: lanl-ansi#754) (lanl-ansi#791) (@jbarberia)
- add z i load conversion (lanl-ansi#792) (@jd-lara)
- Improve support for PWL costs with on/off components (lanl-ansi#795) (@ccoffrin)


Toggle v0.18.3's commit message
[Diff since v0.18.2](lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl@v0.18.2...v0.18.3)

**Closed issues:**
- Jacobian Support for Basic Network Data (lanl-ansi#762)
- AmplNLWriter + Bonmin not working for the simplest test case (lanl-ansi#782)
- Power Flow issue with multiple generators connected to a slack bus (lanl-ansi#785)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Jacobian Support for Basic Network (lanl-ansi#777) (@jbarberia)
- Fix DC-OTS branch on/off constraint for negative reactance values (lanl-ansi#783) (@ccoffrin)
- Fix PowerFlow Bug with Multiple Generators at Slack Buses (lanl-ansi#787) (@ccoffrin)
- Tidyup Basic Jacobian Feature (lanl-ansi#789) (@ccoffrin)


Toggle v0.18.2's commit message
[Diff since v0.18.1](lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl@v0.18.1...v0.18.2)

**Closed issues:**
- correct_reference_buses! fails when the largest generator in component has status 0 (lanl-ansi#776)
- Wrong sign for b_fr, b_to in linear branch flow approximation (lanl-ansi#779)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix sign bug in BFA formulation (lanl-ansi#780) (@ccoffrin)


Toggle v0.18.1's commit message
[Diff since v0.18.0](lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl@v0.18.0...v0.18.1)

**Closed issues:**
- `SparseSDPWRMPowerModel` doesn't support multinetwork without nw=0 (lanl-ansi#769)
- Small typo in documentation, math model (lanl-ansi#771)
- Are there Include Lagrange multipliers in results from OPF? (lanl-ansi#772)
- post_opf not defined (lanl-ansi#775)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixed data processing of PWL costs with identical points (lanl-ansi#773) (@ccoffrin)
- Improve import all in psse parser (lanl-ansi#774) (@ccoffrin)


Toggle v0.18.0's commit message
[Diff since v0.17.4](lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl@v0.17.4...v0.18.0)

**Closed issues:**
- Result Count Update (lanl-ansi#646)
- Drop Support for JuMP v0.20 (lanl-ansi#673)
- Jacobian Computation (lanl-ansi#698)
- Flow Cuts Name (lanl-ansi#713)
- Revised PWL Data Processing (lanl-ansi#716)
- Obtaining incidence + PTDF matrix from network_data (lanl-ansi#728)
- Conjugate in Admittance Matrix (lanl-ansi#734)
- PowerFlow Result API (lanl-ansi#739)
- Update Infrastructure Models Conventions (01/2021) (lanl-ansi#757)
- Reference Bus Requirement in AdmittanceMatrix Data (lanl-ansi#760)
- Improve multi-network support in data processing functions (lanl-ansi#764)

**Merged pull requests:**
- UPD: Updates for new multi-infrastructure conventions (lanl-ansi#745) (@tasseff)
- PowerModels v0.18.0 (lanl-ansi#768) (@ccoffrin)


Toggle v0.17.4's commit message
[Diff since v0.17.3](lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl@v0.17.3...v0.17.4)

**Closed issues:**
- convert ramp rates to p.u. (lanl-ansi#561)
- dual variable extraction broken for `constraint_power_balance_ls` (lanl-ansi#741)
- pg_sqr Constraint in Conic Formulations (lanl-ansi#743)
- Mosek error in solving opf with SDPWRMPowerModel  (lanl-ansi#744)
- IV model not initializing (lanl-ansi#746)
- Getting INVALID_MODEL error while solving RMSE (lanl-ansi#748)
- Power Models Distribution State Estimation package conflict (lanl-ansi#751)
- Export PTI data (lanl-ansi#752)
- Track solver progress (lanl-ansi#759)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix duals for APO variant of constraint_power_balance_ls (lanl-ansi#742) (@ccoffrin)
- add support for Matpower ramp rates in data unit transformations (lanl-ansi#750) (@ccoffrin)
- Export to PTI (lanl-ansi#753) (@jbarberia)
- Add support for relax_integrality in run methods (lanl-ansi#755) (@ccoffrin)
- Basic-Data Idea (lanl-ansi#756) (@ccoffrin)


Toggle v0.17.3's commit message
## PowerModels v0.17.3

[Diff since v0.17.2](lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl@v0.17.2...v0.17.3)

**Closed issues:**
- How to use current_constraint_limits and define c_rating_a? Testing and Documentation enhancement? (lanl-ansi#727)
- Loading matpower files (lanl-ansi#731)
- Display or print model to LP file (lanl-ansi#735)
- Adding constraints after instantiating IV-model (lanl-ansi#736)
- Geographic location of buses (lanl-ansi#740)

**Merged pull requests:**
- PSSE Parsing and Bus Type Checking Robustness (lanl-ansi#738) (@ccoffrin)


Toggle v0.17.2's commit message
## PowerModels v0.17.2

[Diff since v0.17.1](lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl@v0.17.1...v0.17.2)

**Closed issues:**
- PSSE import - transformer impedance scaling and winding voltage (lanl-ansi#629)
- LPAC in TNEP (lanl-ansi#708)
- Branch results (lanl-ansi#720)
- Gen Power Variable Function Names (lanl-ansi#725)
- Load Power Function Name (lanl-ansi#726)
- Matpower parsing error - string "Inf" can not be parsed (lanl-ansi#729)

**Merged pull requests:**
- PSSE transformer Zeq scaling, winding and nominal voltage import all fix (lanl-ansi#722) (@KSepetanc)
- LPAC TNEP (lanl-ansi#724) (@jay-dave)
- Matpower Parser Fixes (lanl-ansi#732) (@ccoffrin)
- Update to use Generic Bounds On/Off Constraint (lanl-ansi#733) (@ccoffrin)