A fork of [https://github.com/sushiswap/sushiswap][Sushiswap].
- SushiToken https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x5922bCb742EC37A9219079997a0156184F96132a
- MasterChef https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0xfCCafad102EFA1D7853F107327A1085306e3EE46
- (Uni|Sushi)swapV2Factory https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x306CB2746e3E6D00B49d053905127ade714CBea2
- (Uni|Sushi)swapV2Router02 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0xE96eabAC88810935f7459a66b41A09A719dfA593
- SushiBar https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x0299bC1c35e71AA8E8172590399F5C274394b5F9
- SushiMaker https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x7a9E3f4609376298c5372487807c833D8E8A81C5
- Automated deployment with Truffle.
- Updated constant function formula in SushiMaker. Lower slippage with a square root function from ABDKMath.
- locate ropsten Canonical Weth - 0xc778417e063141139fce010982780140aa0cd5ab
- locate ropsten Dai - 0xc778417e063141139fce010982780140aa0cd5ab
- deploy SushiSwapV2Factory
- PairCodeHash() from SushiSwapV2Factory - 9d68afd3795fe054b2c26c9bfda9526d1263b803ae8f7179911c02c9ea6ff30a
- set init hash in UniswapV2Library
- deploy SushiSwapV2Router02
- address SushiV2Factory
- address WETH
- deps V2Library
- deploy SushiToken
- deploy MasterChef
- address SushiToken
- address dev
- deploy SushiBar
- address SushiToken
- address DAI
- deploy SushiMaker
- address SushiV2Factory
- address SushiBar
- address SushiToken
- address WETH
- deploy SushiRoll
- deps SushiV2Router01Old and SushiV2Router01New
- deps SushiV2Factory and SushiV2Library
- deploy Timelock
- address SushiBar
- address admin
- deploy SushiBurner
- address MasterChef
- address SushiToken
- deploy Migrator
- address MasterChef
- address UniV2Factory
- address SushiV2Factory
- [X] get Dai from Uniswap
- [X] add liquidity WETH-DAI to Uniswap
- [X] getPair address of WETH-DAI lp token
- [X] mint SushiToken
- [X] transferOwnership SushiToken to MasterChef
- [X] add WETH-DAI pool to MasterChef
- [X] deposit WETH-DAI lp token wl
- [ ] accrue Sushi
- [ ] migrate and burn liquidity
- [ ] swap dai from Sushi