What the wuck is a puzzle game that you try to find 5 letter words.
It has 3 language options ; English , Germany and Turkish.
We have 5 chance to find word.
And we can see related letters on keyboard.
Memory game is a classic card memory game.
It has 3 level options ; 3x4 , 4x4 and 5x5.
Game has flip counter and time counter. We can see them end game screen.
When clicked to start button , card created one by one according to related level option.
When click to cards , they flip and if two cards are same , those cards became constant.
When every card finded , game is over.
This game is kind of memory game.
There are 2 turns ; user turn and pc turn.
During pc turn , randomly buttons glow and every next pc tour amount of glow buttons increases by 1.
During user turn , user try to click correct button according to rules.
There are 2 rules:
Some of turns user have to click buttons with colors that clicked by pc in correct order.
And rest of turns user have to click buttons according to correct places(indexes) that clicked by computer.
Rules randomly determined every user turn and it writes on the screen.
Currex is exchange rate app.
It gets data by an API.
You can chose related currency .
And see exchange rate according to different currencies.
This game is a whack a mole clone.
We try to click moles' head.
Moles uncovers randomly.
It has 2 counter ; click and time counter. You can see on end game screen.