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@ashb ashb tagged this 16 Apr 16:20
Bug Fixes

* Bugfix: ``TypeError`` when Serializing & sorting iterable properties of DAGs (#15395)
* Fix missing ``on_load`` trigger for folder-based plugins (#15208)
* ``kubernetes cleanup-pods`` subcommand will only clean up Airflow-created Pods (#15204)
* Fix password masking in CLI action_logging (#15143)
* Fix url generation for TriggerDagRunOperatorLink (#14990)
* Restore base lineage backend (#14146)
* Unable to trigger backfill or manual jobs with Kubernetes executor. (#14160)
* Bugfix: Task docs are not shown in the Task Instance Detail View (#15191)
* Bugfix: Fix overriding ``pod_template_file`` in KubernetesExecutor (#15197)
* Bugfix: resources in ``executor_config`` breaks Graph View in UI (#15199)
* Fix celery executor bug trying to call len on map (#14883)
* Fix bug in airflow.stats timing that broke dogstatsd mode (#15132)
* Avoid scheduler/parser manager deadlock by using non-blocking IO (#15112)
* Re-introduce ``dagrun.schedule_delay`` metric (#15105)
* Compare string values, not if strings are the same object in Kube executor(#14942)
* Pass queue to BaseExecutor.execute_async like in airflow 1.10 (#14861)
* Scheduler: Remove TIs from starved pools from the critical path. (#14476)
* Remove extra/needless deprecation warnings from airflow.contrib module (#15065)
* Fix support for long dag_id and task_id in KubernetesExecutor (#14703)
* Sort lists, sets and tuples in Serialized DAGs (#14909)
* Simplify cleaning string passed to origin param (#14738) (#14905)
* Fix error when running tasks with Sentry integration enabled. (#13929)
* Webserver: Sanitize string passed to origin param (#14738)
* Fix losing duration < 1 secs in tree (#13537)
* Pin SQLAlchemy to <1.4 due to breakage of sqlalchemy-utils (#14812)
* Fix KubernetesExecutor issue with deleted pending pods (#14810)
* Default to Celery Task model when backend model does not exist (#14612)
* Bugfix: Plugins endpoint was unauthenticated (#14570)
* BugFix: fix DAG doc display (especially for TaskFlow DAGs) (#14564)
* BugFix: TypeError in airflow.kubernetes.pod_launcher's monitor_pod (#14513)
* Bugfix: Fix wrong output of tags and owners in dag detail API endpoint (#14490)
* Fix logging error with task error when JSON logging is enabled (#14456)
* Fix statsd metrics not sending when using daemon mode (#14454)
* Gracefully handle missing start_date and end_date for DagRun (#14452)
* BugFix: Serialize max_retry_delay as a timedelta (#14436)
* Fix crash when user clicks on  "Task Instance Details" caused by start_date being None (#14416)
* BugFix: Fix TaskInstance API call fails if a task is removed from running DAG (#14381)
* Scheduler should not fail when invalid ``executor_config`` is passed (#14323)
* Fix bug allowing task instances to survive when dagrun_timeout is exceeded (#14321)
* Fix bug where DAG timezone was not always shown correctly in UI tooltips (#14204)
* Use ``Lax`` for ``cookie_samesite`` when empty string is passed (#14183)
* [AIRFLOW-6076] fix ``dag.cli()`` KeyError (#13647)
* Fix running child tasks in a subdag after clearing a successful subdag (#14776)


* Remove unused JS packages causing false security alerts (#15383)
* Change default of ``[kubernetes] enable_tcp_keepalive`` for new installs to ``True`` (#15338)
* Fixed #14270: Add error message in OOM situations (#15207)
* Better compatibility/diagnostics for arbitrary UID in docker image (#15162)
* Updates 3.6 limits for latest versions of a few libraries (#15209)
* Adds Blinker dependency which is missing after recent changes (#15182)
* Remove 'conf' from search_columns in DagRun View (#15099)
* More proper default value for namespace in K8S cleanup-pods CLI (#15060)
* Faster default role syncing during webserver start (#15017)
* Speed up webserver start when there are many DAGs (#14993)
* Much easier to use and better documented Docker image (#14911)
* Use ``libyaml`` C library when available. (#14577)
* Don't create unittest.cfg when not running in unit test mode (#14420)
* Webserver: Allow Filtering TaskInstances by queued_dttm (#14708)
* Update Flask-AppBuilder dependency to allow 3.2 (and all 3.x series) (#14665)
* Remember expanded task groups in browser local storage (#14661)
* Add plain format output to cli tables (#14546)
* Make ``airflow dags show`` command display TaskGroups (#14269)
* Increase maximum size of ``extra`` connection field. (#12944)
* Speed up clear_task_instances by doing a single sql delete for TaskReschedule (#14048)
* Add more flexibility with FAB menu links (#13903)
* Add better description and guidance in case of sqlite version mismatch (#14209)

Doc only changes

* Add documentation create/update community providers (#15061)
* Fix mistake and typos in airflow.utils.timezone docstrings (#15180)
* Replace new url for Stable Airflow Docs (#15169)
* Docs: Clarify behavior of delete_worker_pods_on_failure (#14958)
* Create a documentation package for Docker image (#14846)
* Multiple minor doc (OpenAPI) fixes (#14917)
* Replace Graph View Screenshot to show Auto-refresh (#14571)


* Import Connection lazily in hooks to avoid cycles (#15361)
* Rename last_scheduler_run into last_parsed_time, and ensure it's updated in DB (#14581)
* Make TaskInstance.pool_slots not nullable with a default of 1 (#14406)
* Log migrations info in consistent way (#14158)
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