mark down preview using marked, highlight.js, mermaid and live reload
to use from the command line, put the mdp
script in the package
directory in your path.
npm install
npm run dev
npm run dev &
- run in background to test open-file with subsequent opennpm run dev-noarg
- tests launch with no arg, app starts with no window./node_modules/.bin/electron ./src/main.js ./
npm run dev-publish
- open from finder once packaged
- open from mdp shell script once packaged
tail -f ~/Library/Logs/mdp/log.log
upstream repo is git clone
npm install
npm run package
npm run make && npm run publish
- zoom by window?
- auto updater using git releases
- get electron-forge start working (not passing arg; detect mode and default arg to readme?)
- installer - install command line script
- load modules more efficiently?
- webpack
- get working with highlight.js themes
- get working with marked themes
- installer - install command line script
- mac code signing
- open url only add listener once, not every reload
- export menu (html, open in browser)
- open links in os browser
- expand cmd args to absolute path
- fix up js
- window menu
- close window key
- get working from file associated in finder
- get working opening multiple from command line
- get working as cmd line
- get working as packaged
- github release using electron-forge
- keep scroll position on reload
- move poc into app (works using dev command line)