Following the python module py3minepi, this is an R package that allows connection to the Minecraft API using RaspberryJuice and either Spigot or Minecraft:Pi.
The miner package provides a few simple functions to manipulate the Minecraft world from R. See the vignette for details on setting up a Minecraft server and using this package.
The intent of this package is to encourage new R users to learn R by writing scripts to do fun things in Minecraft. (See the extra_vignettes folder for details.) For example, with these functions you could:
Or the R logo:
This player is operated by a bot trying to find its way out of the maze via a rule-based algorithm:
Freeze water as you run over it
or create towers of ice with a gesture:
This package was created as part of the ROpenSci unconference in May, 2017 by:
Licensed under the MIT license. (More information here.)