⭕ Tiny javascript library for creating accessible modal dialogs
A huge library of Pure CSS Checkboxes for every taste.
easy pie chart is a lightweight plugin to draw simple, animated pie charts for single values
Hover effect as seen on The Christmas Experiments website using SVG for the shape and Snap.svg for the animations.
filmtree / fullPage.js
Forked from alvarotrigo/fullPage.jsfullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple
Animate elements as they scroll into view.
jQuery plugin for styling checkboxes and radio-buttons
filmtree / fixed-nav
Forked from adtile/fixed-navResponsive, fixed and touch friendly one page navigation with animated scrolling.
filmtree / GridGallery
Forked from codrops/GridGalleryA responsive grid gallery based on the [Google Chromebook getting started]( guide gallery. In this Blueprint we use Masonry for the grid and 3D transfo…