This repo is used for testing quick deployment on Vultr. This is for development testing only, and will be changing often. There are two ways to use this playbook. Either install OpenBSD and install manually, or use Startup Scripts on Vultr. Methods are explained below.
This playbook is designed to be run on a fresh OpenBSD installation. While this is not required, the playbook may unintentionally overwrite files. Here is how to setup a basic install.
- Install OpenBSD
- Download and run playbook to setup basic system
ftp -o - | sh
- Set admin password
passwd admin
Create a startup script on vultr, more examples can be found in example_startup_scripts.
# Download and install OpenBSD with basic playbook
ftp -o - | sh
# Set admin password
usermod -p $(encrypt $admin_pass) admin
# Add public key to admin
echo "ssh-rsa AAAA...D9H7xnv admin@server" >> /home/admin/.ssh/authorized_keys
Here are some current bootstrap scripts available
- This deploys a very basic image
- This deploys an image configured as a wireguard server
- This deploys an image with wireguard, but includes a vnc server.
- Creates a simple, unencrypted httpd install. DOMAIN must be declared prior to running bootstrap.
- Creates an encrypted httpd install. DOMAIN must be declared prior to running bootstrap.