This repo is no longer maintained, use fiosdk_typescript or fio.sdk-lite
The Foundation for Interwallet Operability (FIO) is a consortium of leading blockchain wallets, exchanges and payments providers that seeks to accelerate blockchain adoption by reducing the risk, complexity, and inconvenience of sending and receiving cryptoassets.
For information on FIO, visit the FIO website.
For information on the FIO Chain, API, and SDKs visit the FIO Protocol Developer Hub.
The FIO iOS SDK is developed in Swift.
Visit the FIO Protocol Developer Hub to get information on FIO SDK versions. Only use an SDK that has a major version number that matches the current FIO Protocol blockchain major version number (e.g. 1.x.x).
Documentation for this iOS SDK, is available here: FIOSDK/ - readme on the sdk docs/ - documentation on the iOS SDK