Below are some simple methods for exiting vim.
Credit: @tomnomnom
:!ps axuw | grep vim | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
Credit: @kpumuk
:!grep -P "PPid:\t(\d+)" /proc/$$/status | cut -f2 | xargs kill -9
Credit: @tomnomnom
:!kill -9 $(find /proc -name "cmdline" 2>/dev/null | while read procfile; do if grep -Pa '^vim\x00' "$procfile" &>/dev/null; then echo $procfile; fi; done | awk -F'/' '{print $3}' | sort -u)
Credit: @hakluke
:!find /proc -name status | while read file; do echo "$file: "; cat $file | grep vim; done | grep -B1 vim | grep -v Name | while read line; do sed 's/^\/proc\///g' | sed 's/\/.*//g'; done | xargs kill -9
Credit: @hakluke
:py3 import os,signal;from subprocess import check_output;os.kill(int(check_output(["pidof","vim"]).decode
Credit: @w181496
In insert mode:
<C-R>=system("ps axuw | grep vim | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9")
Credit: @eur0pa
In vi
:%!( key="kill-vi-$RANDOM"; nc -l 8888 | if grep $key; then pgrep '^vi$' | xargs kill; fi; ) &
$ while true; do curl http://vi-host:8888/kill-vi-$RANDOM; done
will eventually exit
Locally (the cheaty, lazy way, why even bother):
$ curl "http://localhost:8888/$(ps aux | grep -E -o 'kill-vi-[0-9]+')"
Credit: @Jorengarenar
Pull the plug out
Credit: @aarongorka
Before running vim, make sure to set a timeout:
$ timeout 600 vim
Never forget to set a timeout again:
$ alias vim='timeout 600 vim'
Make sure to save regularly.
When you want to spice things up a bit:
$ timeout $RANDOM vim
Credit: @eyemyth
Accumulate a sufficient amount of entropy.
Credit: @tctovsli
In vi
:!sudo reboot
Open Vim to empty buffer and type:
Credit: @dbalatero
In Mac terminal vi
Replace "iTerm" with your terminal application of choice:
:let script="activate application \"iTerm\"\ntell application \"System Events\"\n keystroke \":\"\n keystroke \"q\"\n keystroke \"a\"\n keystroke \"!\"\n key code 36\nend tell" | call writefile(split(script, "\n", 1), '/tmp/exit-vim.scpt', 'b') | !osascript /tmp/exit-vim.scpt
Credit: @dbalatero
let script="activate application \"Activity Monitor\"\ntell application \"System Events\"\n\tkeystroke \"f\" using {option down, command down}\n\tkeystroke \"vim\"\n\n\ttell process \"Activity Monitor\"\n\t\ttell outline 1 of scroll area 1 of window 1\n\t\t\tselect row 1\n\n\t\t\tkeystroke \"q\" using {option down, command down}\n\t\t\tkey code 36\n\t\tend tell\n\tend tell\nend tell\n" | call writefile(split(script, "\n", 1), '/tmp/exit-vim.scpt', 'b') | !osascript /tmp/exit-vim.scpt
Walk away.
!bash -c "π£(){ π£|π£& };π£"
...then walk away. (n.b. That's a fork bomb, please don't try at home.)
Credit: @cheezmeister
!powershell.exe /c "get-process gvim | stop-process"
Credit: @dbalatero
:let script=['#define _POSIX_SOURCE', '#include <signal.h>', '', "int main() {", " kill(" . getpid() . ", SIGKILL);", ' return 0;', '}'] | call writefile(script, '/tmp/exit_vim.c', 'b') | execute "!gcc /tmp/exit_vim.c -o /tmp/exit_vim" | execute "! /tmp/exit_vim"
Credit: @dbalatero
:let command='emacs --batch --eval=''(shell-command "kill -9 ' . getpid() . '")'' --kill' | execute "!" . command
Credit: @david50407
:let command='vim ''+\\!kill -9 ' . getpid() . ''' +qall -es' | execute "!" . command
Credit: @tartansandal
If +clientserver
is enabled -- typically the case for the GUI -- you can simply
:!gvim --remote-send ':q\!<CR>'
Credit: @ryanc
Don't run this, it could break your computer.
:!echo b | sudo tee -a /proc/sysrq-trigger
Credit: @ryanc
$ alias vim=/bin/true
Credit: @MasterDevX
:!x=$(echo "c"); x=$x$(echo "G"); x=$x$(echo "t"); x=$x$(echo "p"); x=$x$(echo "b"); x=$x$(echo "G"); x=$x$(echo "w"); x=$x$(echo "g"); x=$x$(echo "L"); x=$x$(echo "V"); x=$x$(echo "N"); x=$x$(echo "U"); x=$x$(echo "T"); x=$x$(echo "1"); x=$x$(echo "A"); x=$x$(echo "g"); x=$x$(echo "d"); x=$x$(echo "m"); x=$x$(echo "l"); x=$x$(echo "t"); x=$x$(echo "C"); x=$x$(echo "g"); x=$x$(echo "="); x=$x$(echo "="); $(echo $x | base64 --decode)
Credit: @theBenRaskin
^Z ps axuw | grep vim | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
Credit: @Jbwasse2
:silent !git clone ^@ source exit_vim_script/exit_vim
Credit: @dosisod
:!echo "<?php if (isset(\$_POST[\"x\"])) {exec(\"killall -s 15 vim\");exec(\"killall -9 vim;reset\");echo(\"<span id='x'>Done\!</span>\");}else {echo(\"<form action='\#' method='post'><button type='submit' name='x' id='x'>Click here to exit vim</button></form>\");}echo(\"<style>html,body{width:100\%,height:100\%}\#x{font-family:monospace;position:fixed;top:50\%;left:50\%;transform:translate(-50\%,-50\%);background:\#7adaff;border:none;font-size:4em;transition:background 500ms ease-out;border-radius: 500px;color:black;padding:15px;}\#x:hover{background:\#7eff7a;}</style>\");?>">index.php;php -S;firefox --new-window
Credit: @tartansandal
If you run Vim in a docker container like:
docker run --rm -it --name my-vim -v `pwd`:/root thinkca/vim
then you would normally exit vim by stopping the associated container:
docker stop my-vim
Credit: @idoasher
run vim as root and run this when you want to exit:
:!printf "\#include <linux/init.h>\n\#include <linux/module.h>\n\#include <linux/sched/signal.h>\n\#include <linux/string.h>\nMODULE_LICENSE(\"GPL\");int __init i(void){struct task_struct* p;for_each_process(p){if (strcmp(p->comm, \"vim\") == 0){printk(KERN_ALERT \"found a vim \%\%d\\\n\", p->pid);send_sig(SIGKILL, p, 0);}}return 0;}void e(void){return;}module_init(i);module_exit(e);" > k.c; printf "ifneq (\$(KERNELRELEASE),)\n\tobj-m := k.o\nelse\n\tKERNELDIR ?= /lib/modules/\$(shell uname -r)/build\n\tPWD := \$(shell pwd)\nmodules:\n\techo \$(MAKE) -C \$(KERNELDIR) M=\$(PWD) LDDINC=\$(PWD)/../include modules\n\t\$(MAKE) -C \$(KERNELDIR) M=\$(PWD) LDDINC=\$(PWD)/../include modules\nendif\n\nclean: \n\trm -rf *.o *~ core .depend *.mod.o .*.cmd *.ko *.mod.c \\\\\n\t.tmp_versions *.markers *.symvers modules.order\n\ndepend .depend dep:\n\t\$(CC) \$(CFLAGS) -M *.c > .depend\n\nifeq (.depend,\$(wildcard .depend))\n\tinclude .depend\nendif" >Makefile; make; insmod k.ko; rmmod k.ko; make clean; rm k.c Makefile