Single command line utility to turn an es6/es2016 script with requires/imports into a standalone file for use in browser. No more dealing with configurations, install and run.
- Uses babel to turn es2015 code that is compatible with older browsers
- Uses rollup to combine depedencies and remove unneeded code
- Lint your js files using eslint
- Uglify to minify your code
- File watcher to rebuild when files change
- Runs
npm test
after build or when files change - Support for live reload
- Static file serving (great for example files)
- Configuration all done in package.json (no need for additional config files)
npm i -D scriptkit
(in your package.json)
"scripts": {
"build": "scriptkit", //run build and then exit
"dev": "scriptkit dev", //run build and watch for changes
"prod": "scriptkit --env production" //build and minify
"scriptkit": {
"files": {
"dist/common.js": "src/common.js"
"eslintConfig": {
"extends": "firstandthird"
Lint, build and test (npm test
Lint, build, watch for changes, serve current directory, serve livereload script
Lint and build
Displays the config that is going to be used
Returns all the commands you can run