A collection of CTF tools for solving challs
Be in the root folder and run your desired script with the following command (without .py):
python -m <FOLDER_NAME>.<TOOL_NAME> <flags and arguments>
- Network Recon
- Search_and_Sum_Ports.py
python -m Network_Recon.Search_and_Sum_Ports -u TARGET_URL -p TARGET_PORTRANGE
Prerequisites: NMAP
This tool uses nmap to check which ports are open in the port range specified at the target url specified. It uses TCP connections to achieve this. The open ports are summed up and outputed to screen as well as every open port and the service running on the port.
Please create a New Issue and I'll have a crack at it when I have time. https://github.com/fkihle/CTFtools/issues/new/choose
The tools provided are ONLY meant for use in official CTF events. ANY use of these outside of CTF events may be illegal and result in fines and/or prison sentencing. The author will NOT be held responsible for your actions. The tools do not have any form of use or target validation, so accidentaly breaching scope boundaries is on YOU.
If your not absolutely sure of what your are doing: DON'T USE THESE TOOLS.
With that out of the way; Happy CTFing!