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🔥 Flame: Flash Linear Attention Made Easy

Welcome to 🔥 flame, a minimal and efficient framework built on torchtitan for training Flash Linear Attention (FLA) models with blazing efficiency.

Feature Highlights:

  • 🚀 Minimal, easy-to-use, extensible training framework
  • 🤗 Seamless integration with fla and transformers
  • 🔄 Zero-cost data preprocessing: online tokenization, dataset shuffling, and multiple datasets support
  • 🔮 4D parallelism (coming soon)


To get started, clone the flame repository and install the required dependencies:

git clone
cd flame
pip install . 

flame manages minimal dependencies, only including fla and torchtitan as submodules. After installation, initialize and update the submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Dataset Preparation

flame streamlines dataset handling with smart on-the-fly processing.

For most datasets:

from datasets import load_dataset

# Load fineweb-edu with parallel processing
dataset = load_dataset("HuggingFaceFW/fineweb-edu", name="default", num_proc=64)

For SlimPajama-627B (used in GLA paper):

git lfs install
git clone --depth 1

Training Recipes

Here's an example of how to train a 340M FLA transformer model with Llama-like architecture from scratch:

bash \
  --job.config_file train.toml \
  --job.dump_folder exp/transformer-340M-10B/batch32.seqlen2048.warmup1024.update1.steps20480.lr3e-4 \
  --model.config configs/transformer_340M.json \
  --model.tokenizer_path fla-hub/transformer-1.3B-100B \ AdamW \ 3e-4 \
  --optimizer.min_lr_ratio 0.1 \
  --optimizer.scheduler cosine \
  --training.batch_size 32 \
  --training.seq_len 2048 \
  --training.warmup_steps 1024 \
  --training.gradient_accumulation_steps 1 \
  --training.steps 20480 \
  --training.max_norm 1.0 \
  --training.skip_nan_inf \
  --training.dataset HuggingFaceFW/fineweb-edu \
  --training.dataset_name default \
  --training.dataset_split train \
  --training.streaming \
  --training.num_workers 32 \
  --training.prefetch_factor 2 \
  --training.seed 42 \
  --checkpoint.interval 2048 \
  --checkpoint.load_step -1 \
  --metrics.log_freq 4

We provide several config files for different models. By default, the learning rate is set to 3e-4 with a cosine scheduler. Other schedulers, such as WSD (wsd), are also supported. For a detailed explanation of all parameters, run:

bash -h
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --job.config_file JOB.CONFIG_FILE
                        Job config file
  --job.dump_folder JOB.DUMP_FOLDER
                        Folder to dump job outputs
  --job.description JOB.DESCRIPTION
                        Description of the job
                        Add this config to the integration test suite
  --job.print_args      Print the args to terminal
  --model.config MODEL.CONFIG
                        Path to the model config
  --model.norm_type MODEL.NORM_TYPE
                        Type of layer normalization to use [layernorm,
                        np_layernorm, rmsnorm, fused_rmsnorm]
  --model.tokenizer_path MODEL.TOKENIZER_PATH
                        Tokenizer path
                        Whether to enable pytorch profiler
  --profiling.save_traces_folder PROFILING.SAVE_TRACES_FOLDER
                        Trace files location
  --profiling.profile_freq PROFILING.PROFILE_FREQ
                        How often to collect profiler traces, in iterations
                        Whether to dump memory snapshot
  --profiling.save_memory_snapshot_folder PROFILING.SAVE_MEMORY_SNAPSHOT_FOLDER
                        Memeory snapshot files location OPTIMIZER.NAME
                        Optimizer to use
  --optimizer.eps OPTIMIZER.EPS
                        Epsilon value for the optimizer.
  --optimizer.fused     Whether the fused implementation(CUDA only) is used.
  --optimizer.scheduler {wsd,cosine,linear}
                        Scheduler to use. Currently supported: wsd, cosine,
                        and linear. OPTIMIZER.LR
                        Learning rate to use
  --optimizer.min_lr_ratio OPTIMIZER.MIN_LR_RATIO
                        Min lr ratio for lr scheduler
                        Whether to apply optimizer in the backward. Caution,
                        optimizer_in_backward is not compatible with gradients
                        clipping, users should not call
                        register_post_accumulate_grad_hook after the optimizer
                        is built.
  --training.batch_size TRAINING.BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size
  --training.seq_len TRAINING.SEQ_LEN
                        Sequence length
  --training.context_len TRAINING.CONTEXT_LEN
                        Max length allowed for each sequence
  --training.varlen     Whether to take sequences of variable length as input
  --training.warmup_steps TRAINING.WARMUP_STEPS
                        Steps for lr scheduler warmup, normally 1/5 of
  --training.gradient_accumulation_steps TRAINING.GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS
                        Number of steps to accumulate gradients before
                        updating parameters
  --training.steps TRAINING.STEPS
                        How many train steps to run
  --training.max_norm TRAINING.MAX_NORM
                        Max norm for gradient clipping
                        Skip batch updates when NaN or INF gradients are
                        encountered during training
  --training.dataset TRAINING.DATASET
                        Dataset to use, with comma separated values
  --training.dataset_name TRAINING.DATASET_NAME
                        The name of the dataset config, with comma separated
                        values if provided
  --training.dataset_split TRAINING.DATASET_SPLIT
                        Dataset split to use, with comma separated values if
  --training.data_dir TRAINING.DATA_DIR
                        Data dirs to use, with comma separated values if
  --training.data_files TRAINING.DATA_FILES
                        Data files to use, with comma separated values if
  --training.data_probs TRAINING.DATA_PROBS
                        Data sampling probabilities, with comma separated
                        values if provided
  --training.streaming  Whether to load dataset in streaming mode, used for
                        huge dataset
  --training.num_workers TRAINING.NUM_WORKERS
                        Number of subprocesses to use for data loading. 0
                        means that the data will be loaded in the main
  --training.prefetch_factor TRAINING.PREFETCH_FACTOR
                        Number of batches loaded in advance by each worker.2
                        means there will be a total of 2 * num_workers batches
                        prefetched across all workers.
  --training.data_parallel_replicate_degree TRAINING.DATA_PARALLEL_REPLICATE_DEGREE
                        The `data_parallel_replicate_degree` argument
                        specifies the degree of data parallelism for weight
                        replication. When this value is greater than 1,
                        weights will be replicated across
                        `data_parallel_replicate_degree` ranks. If
                        `data_parallel_shard_degree` is also greater than 1,
                        the parallelism method used is HSDP (Hybrid Sharded
                        Data Parallelism). Otherwise, the parallelism method
                        used is DDP (Distributed Data Parallelism). 1 means
  --training.data_parallel_shard_degree TRAINING.DATA_PARALLEL_SHARD_DEGREE
                        The `data_parallel_shard_degree` argument specifies
                        the degree of data parallelism for weight sharding.
                        When this value is greater than 1, weights will be
                        sharded across `data_parallel_shard_degree` ranks. If
                        `data_parallel_replicate_degree` is also greater than
                        1, the parallelism method used is HSDP (Hybrid Sharded
                        Data Parallelism). Otherwise, the parallelism method
                        used is FSDP (Fully Sharded Data Parallelism). -1
                        means leftover ranks will be used (After
                        DP_REPLICATE/SP/PP). Note that only
                        `data_parallel_shard_degree` can be negative. 1 means
                        Whether to apply CPU offloading of parameters,
                        gradients, and optimizer states in FSDP
  --training.tensor_parallel_degree TRAINING.TENSOR_PARALLEL_DEGREE
                        Tensor Parallelism degree. 1 means disabled.
                        Whether to apply loss parallel when sequence parallel
                        is enabled
  --training.mixed_precision_param {bfloat16,float32}
                        torch dtype to use for parameters when applying mixed
                        precision via FSDP. This feature only takes effect
                        when data_parallel_shard_degree > 1
  --training.mixed_precision_reduce {float32}
                        torch dtype to use for reductions when applying mixed
                        precision via FSDP. This feature only takes effect
                        when data_parallel_shard_degree > 1
  --training.compile    Whether to compile the model
  --training.gc_freq TRAINING.GC_FREQ
                        Python garbage control scheduling interval, in steps
  --training.seed TRAINING.SEED
                        Choose the base RNG seed used for training
                        Use deterministic algorithms wherever possible, may be
  --metrics.log_freq METRICS.LOG_FREQ
                        How often to log metrics to TensorBoard, in iterations
                        Whether to log metrics to TensorBoard
                        Whether to disable color printing in logs
  --metrics.save_tb_folder METRICS.SAVE_TB_FOLDER
                        Folder to dump TensorBoard states
                        Whether to save TensorBoard metrics only for rank 0 or
                        for all ranks. When pipeline_parallel_degree is > 1,
                        this option uses the 0th rank of the last stage
                        pipeline group, which is the only stage that computes
                        loss metrics.
                        Whether to log metrics to Weights & Biases
                        Whether to apply async tensor parallel (currently only
                        effective when compile is enabled)
  --experimental.pipeline_parallel_degree EXPERIMENTAL.PIPELINE_PARALLEL_DEGREE
                        Pipeline Parallelism degree, or number of ranks. 1
                        means disabled. If using looped schedules, this still
                        specifies the number of physical ranks, not the number
                        of stages. Stages per rank are inferred from split
                        points degree, and schedule.
                        Specify comma-separated names of modules to use as the
                        beginning of a split point. e.g. "layers.0,layers.2"
                        will cause the model to be split into 3 stages, the
                        first containing all the layers up to layers.0, the
                        second containing layers.0 and up to layers.2, the
                        third containing layers.2 and all the remaining
                        layers. Note: fully-automated splitting may be enabled
                        in the future, but currently the split points must be
                        specified manually.
  --experimental.pipeline_parallel_schedule EXPERIMENTAL.PIPELINE_PARALLEL_SCHEDULE
                        Specify the Pipeline Parallel schedule to use. The
                        supported schedules are:
                        rch/distributed/pipelining/ The
                        schedule must be compatible with the split points and
                        stages_per_rank. Looped schedules (e.g.
                        Interleaved1F1B) require specifying
                        pipeline_parallel_degree = number of ranks, and
                        split_points = number of stages - 1
  --experimental.pipeline_parallel_schedule_csv EXPERIMENTAL.PIPELINE_PARALLEL_SCHEDULE_CSV
                        Specify the path to the pipeline parallel schedule csv
                        file to use. The pipeline_parallel_schedule argument
                        must be either PipelineScheduleSingle,
                        PipelineScheduleMulti, or _PipelineScheduleRuntime.
  --experimental.pipeline_parallel_microbatches EXPERIMENTAL.PIPELINE_PARALLEL_MICROBATCHES
                        How many microbatches to split the global training
                        batch into when using pipeline parallelism. The global
                        training batch size must be evenly divisible by the
                        number of microbatches. The default value will be the
                        number of pipeline stages, if unspecified.
                        Enable CompiledAutograd to compile the backward.
  --experimental.context_parallel_degree EXPERIMENTAL.CONTEXT_PARALLEL_DEGREE
                        Context parallelism degree. 1 means disabled.
  --experimental.context_parallel_rotate_method EXPERIMENTAL.CONTEXT_PARALLEL_ROTATE_METHOD
                        The collective to use in context parallel SDPA for kv
                        shards exchange. 'allgather' means to all-gather all
                        kv shards on ranks after the first sub-SDPA
                        computation, 'alltoall' means to all-to-all shuffle
                        the kv shards. The default value is 'allgather'.
                        Whether to enable checkpoint
  --checkpoint.folder CHECKPOINT.FOLDER
                        The folder to store the checkpoints. When
                        enable_checkpoint is set to true, checkpoints will be
                        in {--job.dump_folder}/{--checkpoint.folder}.
  --checkpoint.interval_type CHECKPOINT.INTERVAL_TYPE
                        Checkpointing interval unit of measurement ['step',
  --checkpoint.interval CHECKPOINT.INTERVAL
                        Checkpointing interval, in steps or seconds depending
                        on --checkpoint.interval_type
                        When model_weights_only=True, only model weights will
                        be saved at the end of training. With this,
                        checkpoints can be loaded using `torch.load(...,
                        weights_only=True)` after conversion. When
                        model_weights_only=False, the full checkpoint will be
                        saved. A full checkpoint includes model, optimizer and
                        train_state, which can be used to resume training. The
                        default value is false.
  --checkpoint.export_dtype {float16,bfloat16,float32}
                        Converts to the specified precision when training
                        completes and model_weights_only=true. Currently
                        supports float32, float16, and bfloat16. The default
                        value is float32.
                        Initializes the full model without applying
                        parallelisms, and then saves it as a seed checkpoint.
                        Note: requires user to call without
                        specifying any parallelisms, e.g. NGPU=1. Could be
                        implemented as a separate script, but this way shares
                        more code.
  --checkpoint.async_mode CHECKPOINT.ASYNC_MODE
                        Which async checkpoint mode to use. Currently there
                        are 3 different modes. 1. "disabled": synchronized
                        checkpointing will be used. 2. "async":
                        torch.distributed.checkpoint.async_save will be used.
                        1. "async_with_pinned_mem": this option utilizes a
                        dedicated pinned memory space and creates a separate
                        process for faster GPU->CPU transfer performance and
                        eliminating GIL contention. The cost is increased CPU
                        memory usage. If insufficient CPU memory is available,
                        performance may degrade due to memory paging. For most
                        users, "async" should suffice as the performance
                        overhead is typically small (on the order of tens of
                        seconds) compared to checkpointing frequency. This
                        mode can be employed to pursue near-zero checkpointing
                        times (e.g., < 1 second) given appropriate hardware
                        support such as ample CPU memory and fast PCIe.
                        "disabled" is the default mode.
  --checkpoint.keep_latest_k CHECKPOINT.KEEP_LATEST_K
                        Keeps only the latest k checkpoints, and purging older
                        ones. If 0, keep all checkpoints. 0 is the default
  --checkpoint.load_step CHECKPOINT.LOAD_STEP
                        Load the checkpoint at the specified step. If -1, load
                        the latest checkpoint.
                        If true, swaps `torch.nn.Linear` with `Float8Linear`.
                        This feature requires you to install 'torchao' which
                        can be found here:
                        Whether enable float8 all-gather in FSDP
                        Whether precompute float8 scales dynamically for FSDP
  --float8.scaling_type_input {dynamic,delayed}
                        float8 scaling for input, dynamic (default) or delayed
  --float8.scaling_type_weight FLOAT8.SCALING_TYPE_WEIGHT
                        float8 scaling for input, dynamic (default) or delayed
  --float8.scaling_type_grad_output FLOAT8.SCALING_TYPE_GRAD_OUTPUT
                        float8 scaling for input, dynamic (default) or delayed
  --comm.init_timeout_seconds COMM.INIT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
                        Timeout for communication operations, during
                        initialization and first train step.
  --comm.train_timeout_seconds COMM.TRAIN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
                        Timeout for communication operations after the first
                        train step -- usually a tighter bound than during
  --comm.trace_buf_size COMM.TRACE_BUF_SIZE
                        Flight recorder ring buffer size, >0 means recording
                        by default, 0 means disabled
                        Whether to estimate memory usage for FSDP
                        Whether to estimate memory under FakeTensorMode

Training with torch.compile

Starting from torch 2.0, torch.compile has been introduced as a new feature to seamlessly accelerate training processes. In flame, one can simply enable torch.compile by adding --training.compile flag to your training script.

However, fla has integrated numerous fused kernels for acceleration, which may potentially conflict with torch.compile. We are actively working on resolving these issues to make compilation transparent to users. In the meantime, please ensure you are using the latest dependencies.

Specifically, we recommend using torch>=2.6 and triton>=3.0.

Training with multiple datasets

If you wish to train a model with all-round capabilities (e.g., code, math, and multilingual ability), it's necessary to train on multiple datasets. flame allows training with multiple datasets easily. For example, you can specify the following arguments to train on 6 datasets with different proportions:

  --training.dataset HuggingFaceFW/fineweb-edu,opencsg/Fineweb-Edu-Chinese-V2.1,OpenCoder-LLM/opc-fineweb-code-corpus,math-ai/AutoMathText,EleutherAI/proof-pile-2,OpenCoder-LLM/opc-fineweb-math-corpus   \
  --training.data_probs 0.6,0.15,0.15,0.014,0.058,0.028     \

Finalizing training

Once training is complete, you may want to convert the distributed checkpoints (DCPs) into the 🤗 format for broader use. To facilitate this, we provide a straightforward conversion script:

python --path <path_to_model> --step <step> --config <path_to_config> --tokenizer <path_to_tokenizer>

After this, your model will be in the 🤗 format, ready to be shared or deployed. You can then easily publish your model using the huggingface_hub for wider accessibility.

Continual training

If you wish to build upon a strong pre-trained model (in 🤗 format) and continue training, we also offer a script to convert the 🤗 format model back into DCP format. This allows you to seamlessly resume training with flame.

python --model <path_to_hf> --checkpoint <path_to_dcp/checkpoint/step-0>

Here, <path_to_dcp> is the directory where your distributed checkpoints will be stored. The checkpoint is intentionally saved at <step-0> within the checkpoint folder to ensure it is loadable by flame during the initial training step, similar to how a seed checkpoint is handled.

Once the conversion is complete, you can proceed with training using flame as usual, continuing from where the pretrained model left off.

Multi-node training

If you have access to multi-node GPUs, consider leveraging them for optimal performance. This process is straightforward and well-documented in the PyTorch docs.

To set up multi-node training:

  • Set the environment variables MASTER_ADDR=<ip> and MASTER_PORT=<port> before running the training script across all nodes.
  • If you're using a job scheduler like Slurm, it will handle these variables for you.

torchtitan provides a Slurm script for multi-node training, which you can use as a reference or starting point.