Second version of LocalAdmin, tool for hosting dedicated servers for SCP: Secret Laboratory.
This version is compatible with game version 9.0.0 and newer. Compatible both with Windows and Linux x64.
Windows: LocalAdmin.exe [port] [arguments] [-- arguments passthrough]
Linux: ./LocalAdmin [port] [arguments] [-- arguments passthrough]
Long version | Short version | Description |
--reconfigure | -r | Opens configuration editor. |
--config [path to file] | Changes LocalAdmin config path. | |
--logs [path to logs folder] | Changes LocalAdmin logs directory. | |
--gameLogs [path to logs folder] | Changes game logs directory. It applies only to the Log Cleaner in LocalAdmin, not the game itself! |
--useDefault | -d | Uses the default config if no config is present. |
--printStd | -s | Redirects stdout and stderr of the game to the LocalAdmin live view. |
--noSetCursor | -c | Disables setting console cursor position. |
--printControl | -p | Enables printing control messages. |
--noLogs | -l | Disables LocalAdmin logging. |
--noAutoFlush | -n | Disables auto flush of LocalAdmin log files. Not compatible with --noLogs argument. |
--noAlign | -a | Disables multiline log entries alignment. |
--noTerminalTitle | -t | Disables LocalAdmin status in the terminal title. |
--dismissPluginManagerSecurityWarning | Dismisses Plugin Manager security warning. | |
--disableTrueColor | Disables True Color output. | |
--skipHomeCheck | Skips home env var checking on startup (linux only). |
--restartsLimit | Specifies a limit of auto-restarts in a specified time window. Setting this argument to 0 disables auto-restarts. Setting this argument to -1 disables the limit. Default value: 4 |
--restartsTimeWindow | Specifies a time window (in seconds) for the auto-restarts limit. Setting this argument to 0 disables resetting the amount of auto-restarts after a specified amount of time. Default value: 480 |
--logLengthLimit | Specifies the limit of characters in LocalAdmin log file. Suffixes k , M , G and T are supported, eg. 5G is equal to 5000000000 characters.Setting this argument to 0 disables the limit. Default value: 25G |
--logEntriesLimit | Specifies the limit of entries in LocalAdmin log file. Suffixes k , M , G and T are supported, eg. 5G is equal to 5000000000 entries.Setting this argument to 0 disables the limit. Default value: 10G |
--executable | Specifies the game executable to run. Default Value: SCPSL.exe or SCPSL.x86_64 |