Tags: flicus/TelegramBots
Merge pull request rubenlagus#171 from rubenlagus/dev Update BOT API 2.3.1
Merge pull request rubenlagus#166 from rubenlagus/dev Update BOT API 2.3
Merge pull request rubenlagus#160 from rubenlagus/dev Version 2.4.2
Add getWebhookInfo method (rubenlagus#137) * Fix issue in HOWTO (rubenlagus#134) * Message filter for TelegramLongPollingCommandBot * Revert "Message filter for TelegramLongPollingCommandBot" * Fix issue in HOWTO I've removed the code for custom keyboards and linked to the weather bot in the example repo - it was not fully working (weatherbot is) - it was just an approach on how to use custom keyboards but was not showing all details (weatherbot has much more details) - why managing multiple code "snippets"? The code can change but the HOWTO still works * Add Get webhook information method * Update to version 2.3.4
Merge pull request rubenlagus#133 from rubenlagus/dev v2.3.3.7
Merge pull request rubenlagus#119 from rubenlagus/dev Update to version