My solution for DST(Distributed System Technologies) Spring Semester 2023 at TU Wien.
My answers to the theory questions are written down in, which I compiled to a PDF with the following command:
pandoc --from gfm \
--variable mainfont="Inter" \
--variable monofont="JetBrains Mono" \
--pdf-engine=lualatex \
-o theory.pdf \
In some examples you need to test the REST API and and I did that with Insomnia (instead of
You can import my config(v4) from insomnia.yaml
I created the archive for uploading with the following script:
zip -r -9 ass* docker pom.xml
Each Maven module has a corresponding profile that contains the build config for the respective module. For example, to build the JPA task of assignment 1, run
mvn clean install -Pass1-jpa
You can add the -DskipTests
flag to skip JUnit test execution.
There is also a profile all
, that includes all modules.
You should activate this profile in your IDE's Maven (IDEA,Eclipse) configuration!