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IdealGold Android Wallet v0.07j

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@woolongdev1 woolongdev1 released this 21 Aug 17:01

The first public release of the IdealGold Android wallet. v0.07j

Just like the IdealCash Android wallet, the new IdealGold Android walllet is a FULL QT port of the desktop wallet.
Some very important features:
-wallet.dat compatible with all desktop versions of IdealGold
-blockchain databases compatible with all desktop versions of IdealGold(uses bdb 4.8.30.NC)
-Now utilizing fusion style instead of android style controls.

Installation Notes:

-When first running the app you will be asked what location you would like to install to.
ONLY install to your microsd card(sdcard).

-Maintain proper backups of your wallet.dat. You can do this through the menu, or if you installed to the sdcard card, you can backup through a file manager. I like to make a full backup of the directory so I have a copy of the synced blockchain as well.

-Store your backups off your phone. Always store the backups of your wallet.dat in a safe place.

CAUTION: Only use the sdcard.
The default location is actually a sandboxed directory that gets deleted when the app is removed, phone is reset, phone upgrades os, you clear cache or data in settings, etc. If you use this directory, you run the risk of losing your wallet.dat and having to resync the blockchain.
Also, since the default location is sandboxed, you won't be able to access it with other apps like a file manager.
Just play it safe, use the sdcard.

We take no responsibility for lost coins or damages you may incur. Just like any other coin wallet out there.