This is a collection of examples to help you get familiar with the Elastic Stack and X-Pack. Each example folder includes a README with detailed instructions for getting up and running with the particular example. The following information pertains to the examples repo as a whole.
You have a few options to get started with the examples:
If you want to try them all, you can download the entire repo . Or, if you are familiar with Git, you can clone the repo. Then, simply follow the instructions in the individual README of the examples you're interested in to get started.
If you are only interested in a specific example or two, you can download the contents of just those examples (instructions in the individual READMEs).
See here
Below is the list of examples available in this repo:
- NGINX - common format
- Apache access logs
- Simple recipe search app in PHP
Examples using the Elastic Stack for analyzing public dataset.
- donations
- NCEDC earthquakes data
- NYC traffic accidents
- US FEC campaign contributions
- CDC health behavior survey
- NYC restaurant health grades
X-Pack lets you set up watches (or rules) to detect and alert on changes in your Elasticsearch data. Below is a list of examples watches that configured to detect and alert on a few common scenarios:
- [High I/O wait on CPU] (
- [Critical error in logs] (
- [High filesystem usage] (
- [Lateral movement in user communication] (
- [New process started on hosts] (
- [Port scan detected] (
- [Interrupted log flow from hosts] (
- [Trending hashtag on twitter] (
- [Unexpected account activity] (
- Detecting DNS tunnels
- Watch history dashboard
- [Exploring attack vectors in Apache logs using Graph] (