Corrected and extended code for forks:
- custom column in main panel
- reload file
- autoreload when the file changes
- search in all log fields
- displaying help after pressing F1
- completely operated by hotkeys
- powerful command line arguments
- sort by timestamp, level or message
- filter by any field or metadata
- search
- arrows and page up/down to move
- enter - display details
- / to search
- ? to search
- n to search again
- s to sort
- i to toggle ascending/descending sort
- f to filter
- l to filter by level
- g to go to line
- 0 to go to first line
- $ to go to last line
- A to first viewport line
- G to last viewport line
- C to center viewport line
- w to wrap toggle
- W to watch file toggle
- q to quit
npm install --global json-log-viewer
The configuration is in the .json-log-viewer.json
The program looks for configuration in the current directory. Then it tries to find the configuration in the home directory.
Sample configuration:
"columns": [
{ "title": "Timestamp", "key": "timestamp" },
{ "title": "Level", "key": "level", "format": "L" },
{ "title": "D", "key": "data", "format": "*" },
{ "title": "Message", "key": "message" }
- log level with colors*
- space if extra data is empty, otherwise*
jv application.log.2017-01-01 --sort timestamp --desc
- sort by next argument--level
- log level--desc
- descending sort
Details view
Log level selection