Quickly generate QR codes.

QuickQR is a Qt application that lives in your system tray. It generate a QR code from your current clipboard data.
For now, grab the portable executable directly form the releases.
This application works, but does not offer much features. The following important features are planned:
Display the QR code directly in the system tray menu
Due to specific Desktop Environments limitations, a new window is shown to display the QR code. While most DE allow complex object in the system tray, some don't.
Unsupported DE will show a new window, all the other will display the QR code in the system tray menu. -
Generate content-specific QR codes
Displayed QR code in QuickQR are raw text only.
But QR do support different content, such as WiFi connection, geolocation, SMS, Deep Linking and more. -
Save the QR image file with a right click
Build system specific installer packages
Build installable .deb, .rpm, .dmg and .msi packages
You can check the TODO list for more details.