A simple TV guide for iOS
- SwiftUI
- No 3rd party libraries
- Xcode 14.3.1
- iOS target 16.4
- List all series
- Search series by name
- Poster
- Name
- Genres
- Series details:
- Name
- Poster
- Time aired
- Genres
- Summary
- List of episodes separated by seasons
- Episode details:
- Name
- Number
- Season
- Summary
- Image
- Favorites List
- Sorted by alphabetical order
- Favorites persisted across app restarts
- Delete favorites
- Browse favorites and access their details
- People Search
- Sorted by alphabetical order
- Favorites persisted across app restarts
- Remove from favorites
- People details
- Name
- Poster
- List of appearances
Since no 3rd party libraries are used, just clone the repository (or download the .zip file) and open the TvMaze.xcworkspace
file with the proper version of Xcode.