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Processing / plotting of RINEX based GPS & Galileo data

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pyRTKLib repository


The pyRTKLib repository processes RINEX observation / navigation files for Galileo, GPS or a combination of both, using the open source RTKLib library. It generates plots for:

  • UTM and height coordinates versus time,
  • UTM scatter plot,
  • pseudo-range residuals plot,
  • Carrier-to-Noise CN0 plot,
  • satellite elevation plot, and
  • receiver clock plot.

The repository is based on the following directory structure1 for the binary receiver data:


where YYDDD represents 2 digits for the year and 3 digits for the day of year.

During processing, in each receiver type directory (ASTX, BEGP, ...) a rinex directory is created with sub-directories with the same YYDDD as the original raw binary data sub-directories.

Processing steps

Processing is split up in 5 steps:

    • receivers from Septentrio log data in the binary SBF format. These data are logged in (six-)hourly files and are first combined to a daily SBF file. The naming follows the IGS convention for RINEX v2.x files. The (daily) combined file is stored in the raw binary data directory.
    • converts the binary (daily) SBF or u-Blox file to RINEX observation and navigation files.
    • downloads the RINEX navigation file for all GNSS systems for a specific date. This creates a directory igs on the same level as the ASTX directory, in which the sub-directories YYDOY are created.
    • based on a common template, ensuring similar processing for all GNSSs, the RINEX observation and navigation files are processed using rnx2rtkp program from the RTKLib library. Two output files are created in a rtkp/GNSS subdirectory:
      • <file-name>.pos containing date-time, position and (co-)variance information. The processing mode and number of satellites used are also reported,
      • <file-name>.pos.stat containing various information about the satellites, the pseudo-range residuals, receiver clock and velocity.
    • using the <file-name>.pos and <file-name>.pos.stat files, plots are created.

Each script uses pythons logging facility and creates in the directory from which it is called a <script-name>.log file which can be used for later inspection. The default logging levels are:

  • for the console: LOGGING.INFO
  • for the log-file: LOGGING.DEBUG

Getting help

$ --help
usage: [-h] [-d DIR] [-o]
                     [-l {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,NOTSET} {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,NOTSET}] creates a daily SBF file based on (six) hourly SBF files found
in given directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIR, --dir DIR     Directory of SBF file (defaults to .)
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite daily SBF file (default False)
                        specify logging level console/file (default INFO

Processing example

$ --dir ~/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/19134 -o -l INFO DEBUG
INFO: - main: working diretory is /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/19134
INFO: - main: changed to directory /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/19134
INFO: - main: combine SBF (six-)hourly files to daily SBF file
INFO: - main: creating daily SBF file SEPT1340.19_

yields the following raw binary data directory:

$ ll /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/19134 -rt
total 853200
-rw-rw-r-- 1 amuls amuls 100144280 May 14 08:02 SEPT1341.19_
-rw-rw-r-- 1 amuls amuls  11580873 May 14 08:02 SEPT1341.191
-rw-rw-r-- 1 amuls amuls 102000168 May 14 14:02 SEPT1342.19_
-rw-rw-r-- 1 amuls amuls  11645676 May 14 14:02 SEPT1342.191
-rw-rw-r-- 1 amuls amuls 101275596 May 14 20:02 SEPT1343.19_
-rw-rw-r-- 1 amuls amuls  11705476 May 14 20:02 SEPT1343.191
-rw-rw-r-- 1 amuls amuls  12423431 May 15 02:02 SEPT1344.191
-rw-rw-r-- 1 amuls amuls 109727776 May 15 02:02 SEPT1344.19_
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 413147820 Oct 28 14:53 SEPT1340.19_

Getting help

$ --help
usage: [-h] [-d DIR] -f FILE [-b {SBF,UBlox}] [-r RINEXDIR]
                    [-v {R3,R2}] [-g {gal,gps,com}] -n NAMING NAMING NAMING
                    [-l {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,NOTSET} {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,NOTSET}] convert binary raw data from SBF or UBlox to RINEX Obs & Nav

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIR, --dir DIR     Root directory (default .)
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Binary SBF or UBlox file
  -b {SBF,UBlox}, --binary {SBF,UBlox}
                        Select binary format (default SBF)
  -r RINEXDIR, --rinexdir RINEXDIR
                        Directory for RINEX output (default .)
  -v {R3,R2}, --rinexver {R3,R2}
                        Select RINEX version (default R3)
  -g {gal,gps,com}, --gnss {gal,gps,com}
                        GNSS systems to process (default=gal)
                        Enter MARKER DOY YY for naming RINEX output files
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite intermediate files (default False)
                        specify logging level console/file (default INFO

Processing example

INFO: - main: arguments processed: amc.dRTK = {'rootDir': '/home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/19134/', 'binFile': 'SEPT1340.19_', 'binType': 'SBF', 'rinexDir': '/home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/', 'rinexVersion': 'R3', 'gnssSyst': 'gal', 'rinexNaming': ['GALI', '134', '19']}
INFO: - checkValidityArgs: check existence of rootDir /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/19134/
INFO: - checkValidityArgs: check existence of binary file /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/19134/SEPT1340.19_ to convert
INFO: - checkValidityArgs: check existence of rinexdir /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/ and create if needed
INFO: - locateProg: locate programs convbin
INFO: - locateProg: convbin is /home/amuls/bin/convbin
INFO: - locateProg: locate programs sbf2rin
INFO: - locateProg: sbf2rin is /home/amuls/bin/sbf2rin
INFO: - main: convert binary file to rinex
INFO: - sbf2rinex: RINEX conversion for gal
INFO: - sbf2rinex: excluding GNSS systems ['G', 'R', 'S', 'C', 'J', 'I']
INFO: - sbf2rinex: creating RINEX observation file
/home/amuls/bin/sbf2rin -f /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/19134/SEPT1340.19_ -x GRSCJI -s -D -v -R3 -o /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/GALI1340.19O

Creating RINEX file: done                                                       
INFO: - sbf2rinex: creating RINEX navigation file
/home/amuls/bin/sbf2rin -f /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/19134/SEPT1340.19_ -x GRSCJI -s -D -v -n E -R3 -o /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/GALI1340.19E

Creating RINEX file: done                                                       
INFO: - main: amc.dRTK =
    "rootDir": "/home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/19134/",
    "binFile": "/home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/19134/SEPT1340.19_",
    "binType": "SBF",
    "rinexDir": "/home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/",
    "rinexVersion": "R3",
    "gnssSyst": "gal",
    "rinexNaming": [
    "marker": "GALI",
    "doy": "134",
    "yy": "19",
    "bin2rnx": {
        "CONVBIN": "/home/amuls/bin/convbin",
        "SBF2RIN": "/home/amuls/bin/sbf2rin"
    "obs": "/home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/GALI1340.19O",
    "nav": "/home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/GALI1340.19E"

creates the following directories and files:2

$ ll /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/ -R
total 95808
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls   565703 Oct 28 15:04 GALI1340.19E
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 97537766 Oct 28 15:04 GALI1340.19O


The conversion for u-Blox receivers is still to be done.

Getting help

$ -h
usage: [-h] [-r ROOTDIR] [-s SERVER] -y YEAR -d DOY [-o]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r ROOTDIR, --rootdir ROOTDIR
                        session's root directory (default .)
  -s SERVER, --server SERVER
                        FTP server (default
  -y YEAR, --year YEAR  year (4 digits)
  -d DOY, --doy DOY     day of year
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite intermediate files (default False)
                        specify logging level console/file (default INFO

Processing example

$ -r ~/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/igs/ -d 255 -y 2019
INFO: - locateProg: locate programs ncftpget
INFO: - locateProg: ncftpget is /usr/bin/ncftpget
INFO: - doNcFTPDownload: downloading for gal RINEX Nav BRUX00BEL_R_20192550000_01D_EN.rnx.gz
INFO: - doNcFTPDownload: ... running /usr/bin/ncftpget -u ftp -p [email protected] -v
ncftpget: local file appears to be the same as the remote file, download is not necessary.

INFO: - doNcFTPDownload: downloading for gps RINEX Nav brdc2550.19n.Z
INFO: - doNcFTPDownload: ... running /usr/bin/ncftpget -u ftp -p [email protected] -v
ncftpget: local file appears to be the same as the remote file, download is not necessary.

INFO: - doNcFTPDownload: downloading for com RINEX Nav BRDC00IGS_R_20192550000_01D_MN.rnx.gz
INFO: - doNcFTPDownload: ... running /usr/bin/ncftpget -u ftp -p [email protected] -v
ncftpget: local file appears to be the same as the remote file, download is not necessary.

INFO: - main: amc.dRTK =
    "ftp": {
        "server": "",
        "user": "ftp",
        "passwd": "[email protected]"
    "date": {
        "year": "2019",
        "daynr": 255,
        "YY": "19",
        "DOY": "255"
    "local": {
        "root": "/home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/igs/",
        "YYDOY": "19255"
    "remote": {
        "gal": {
            "rpath": "pub/gps/data/daily/2019/255/19l",
            "rfile": "BRUX00BEL_R_20192550000_01D_EN.rnx.gz"
        "gps": {
            "rpath": "pub/gps/data/daily/2019/255/19n",
            "rfile": "brdc2550.19n.Z"
        "com": {
            "rpath": "pub/gps/data/daily/2019/255/19p",
            "rfile": "BRDC00IGS_R_20192550000_01D_MN.rnx.gz"

Getting help

$ --help
usage: [-h] [-d DIR] -r ROVEROBS
                    [-m {single,dgps,kinematic,static,moving-base,fixed,ppp-kinematic,ppp-static}]
                    [-f {1,2,3,4,5}] [-c {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14}]
                    [-b BASEOBS] -e EPHEM [EPHEM ...]
                    [-g {gps,sbas,glo,gal,com,qzs,comp}]
                    [-s {brdc,precise,brdc+sbas,brdc+ssrapc,brdc+ssrcom}]
                    [-a ATMTROPO]
                    [-i {off,brdc,sbas,dual-freq,est-stec,ionex-tec,qzs-brdc,qzs-lex,vtec_sf,vtec_ef,gtec}]
                    [-t TEMPLATE] [-o]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIR, --dir DIR     project root directory (default ./)
  -r ROVEROBS, --roverobs ROVEROBS
                        rover observation file
  -m {single,dgps,kinematic,static,moving-base,fixed,ppp-kinematic,ppp-static}, --mode {single,dgps,kinematic,static,moving-base,fixed,ppp-kinematic,ppp-static}
                        rnx2rtkp positioning mode (default single)
  -f {1,2,3,4,5}, --freq {1,2,3,4,5}
                        Select frequencies for relative mode (default
                        1, choices are 1:l1, 2:l1+l2, 3:l1+l2+l5,
                        4:l1+l2+l5+l6, 5:l1+l2+l5+l6+l7)
  -c {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14}, --cutoff {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14}
                        cutoff angle [degrees] (default 5)
  -b BASEOBS, --baseobs BASEOBS
                        base station observation file
  -e EPHEM [EPHEM ...], --ephem EPHEM [EPHEM ...]
                        (list of) ephemeris files
  -g {gps,sbas,glo,gal,com,qzs,comp}, --gnss {gps,sbas,glo,gal,com,qzs,comp}
                        GNSS systems to process (default=gal)
  -s {brdc,precise,brdc+sbas,brdc+ssrapc,brdc+ssrcom}, --sateph {brdc,precise,brdc+sbas,brdc+ssrapc,brdc+ssrcom}
                        type of ephemerides used (default brdc)
  -a ATMTROPO, --atmtropo ATMTROPO
                        select troposheric correction (default saas
  -i {off,brdc,sbas,dual-freq,est-stec,ionex-tec,qzs-brdc,qzs-lex,vtec_sf,vtec_ef,gtec}, --iono {off,brdc,sbas,dual-freq,est-stec,ionex-tec,qzs-brdc,qzs-lex,vtec_sf,vtec_ef,gtec}
                        select ionospheric correction (default brdc)
  -t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
                        rnx2rtkp template file (dafult rnx2rtkp.tmpl)
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite intermediate files (default False)
                        specify logging level console/file (default INFO

Processing example

$ -d ~/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/ -r GALI1340.19O -f 4 -m single -c 5 -e GALI1340.19E -g gal  -t ~/amPython/pyRTKLib/rnx2rtkp.tmpl -i brdc -a saas -s brdc -o -l INFO DEBUG 
INFO: - checkValidityArgs: changed to directory /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/
INFO: - main: Creating gal configuration file /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal/GALI1340-GAL.conf
INFO: - create_rnx2rtkp_settings: creates settings dictionary for filling the rnx2rtkp template
INFO: - create_rnx2rtkp_settings: created dSettings =
    "navFiles": "GALI1340.19E",
    "GNSSnum": 8,
    "freq": 4,
    "GNSS": "gal",
    "rootDir": "/home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/",
    "roverObs": "GALI1340.19O",
    "cutOff": 5,
    "posMode": "single",
    "typeEphem": "brdc",
    "baseObs": "",
    "Tropo": "saas",
    "Iono": "brdc",
    "filePos": "rtkp/gal/GALI1340-19O.pos",
    "fileStat": "rtkp/gal/GALI1340-19O.pos.stat",
    "rtkDir": "/home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal",
    "description": "GAL: Processing station GALI1340.19O"
INFO: - create_rnx2rtkp_template: creates rnx2rtkp configuration file based on settings dictionary dSettings
INFO: - create_rnx2rtkp_template: using rnx2rtkp template file /home/amuls/amPython/pyRTKLib/rnx2rtkp.tmpl
INFO: - create_rnx2rtkp_template: storing rnx2rtkp configuration file in /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal/GALI1340-GAL.conf
INFO: - main: amc.dRTK = 
    "rootDir": "/home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/",
    "roverObs": "GALI1340.19O",
    "posMode": "single",
    "freq": "l1+l2+l5+l6",
    "cutOff": 5,
    "baseObs": "",
    "ephems": [
    "GNSS": "gal",
    "typeEphem": "brdc",
    "Tropo": "saas",
    "Iono": "brdc",
    "template": "/home/amuls/amPython/pyRTKLib/rnx2rtkp.tmpl",
    "rtkDir": "/home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal",
    "filePos": "rtkp/gal/GALI1340-19O.pos",
    "fileStat": "rtkp/gal/GALI1340-19O.pos.stat",
    "config": "/home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal/GALI1340-GAL.conf"
INFO: - locateProg: locate programs rnx2rtkp
INFO: - locateProg: rnx2rtkp is /home/amuls/bin/rnx2rtkp
INFO: - main: Running:
/home/amuls/bin/rnx2rtkp -k /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal/GALI1340-GAL.conf -o rtkp/gal/GALI1340-19O.pos GALI1340.19O  GALI1340.19E
invalid option value pos1-frequency (/home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal/GALI1340-GAL.conf:9)
INFO: - main: Created position file: rtkp/gal/GALI1340-19O.pos
INFO: - main: Created statistics file: rtkp/gal/GALI1340-19O.pos.stat

creates the following directories and files:2

$ ll /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/ -R
total 95812
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls   565703 Oct 28 15:04 GALI1340.19E
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 97537766 Oct 28 15:04 GALI1340.19O
drwxr-xr-x 3 amuls amuls     4096 Oct 28 15:15 rtkp

total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 amuls amuls 4096 Oct 28 15:15 gal

total 68404
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 11190734 Oct 28 15:15 GALI1340-19O.pos
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 58842324 Oct 28 15:15 GALI1340-19O.pos.stat
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls     5548 Oct 28 15:15 GALI1340-GAL.conf

Getting help

$ --help
usage: [-h] -f FILE [-d DIR] [-m MARKER MARKER MARKER] [-p] [-o]
                    [-l {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,NOTSET} {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,NOTSET}] make plots from RTKLib processed files (position and/or

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  RTKLib processed position file
  -d DIR, --dir DIR     Root directory for RTKLib processed files (default .)
                        Geodetic coordinates (lat,lon,ellH) of reference point
                        in degrees: ["50.8440152778" "4.3929283333"
                        "151.39179"] for RMA, ["50.93277777", "4.46258333",
                        "123"] for Peutie, default ["0", "0", "0"] means use
                        mean position
  -p, --plots           displays interactive plots (default True)
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite intermediate files (default False)
                        specify logging level console/file (default INFO

Processing example

$ -d /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal/ -f GALI1340-19O.pos -p -o -l INFO DEBUG 
INFO: - main: changed to dir /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal/
INFO: - main: marker coordinates = {'lat': nan, 'lon': nan, 'ellH': nan, 'UTM.E': nan, 'UTM.N': nan, 'UTM.Z': '', 'UTM.L': ''}
INFO: - parseRTKLibPositionFile: parsing RTKLib position file GALI1340-19O.pos
INFO: - parseRTKLibPositionFile: added UTM coordiantes
INFO: - parseRTKLibPositionFile: dTime = {'epochs': 85421, 'date': '14 May 2019', 'start': '00:00:00', 'end': '23:59:59'}
INFO: - parseRTKLibPositionFile: head of dataframe GALI1340-19O.pos (#85421)
    WNC       TOW        lat       lon      ellH  Q  ns     sdn     sde     sdu    sdne    sdeu    sdun  age  ratio                  DT          UTM.E         UTM.N  UTM.Z UTM.L
0  2053  172800.0  50.844019  4.392917  146.6432  5  6   1.8845  1.3714  5.2488 -0.5992  2.2669  0.8309  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 00:00:00  598065.815812  5.633404e+06  31     U   
1  2053  172801.0  50.844020  4.392918  146.9082  5  6   1.8846  1.3717  5.2499 -0.5988  2.2677  0.8323  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 00:00:01  598065.898877  5.633404e+06  31     U   
2  2053  172802.0  50.844020  4.392919  147.1355  5  6   1.8847  1.3720  5.2509 -0.5984  2.2684  0.8337  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 00:00:02  598065.959996  5.633404e+06  31     U   
3  2053  172803.0  50.844019  4.392919  147.1995  5  6   1.8849  1.3723  5.2520 -0.5979  2.2692  0.8350  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 00:00:03  598065.953250  5.633404e+06  31     U   
4  2053  172804.0  50.844020  4.392919  147.1374  5  6   1.8850  1.3726  5.2531 -0.5975  2.2699  0.8364  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 00:00:04  598065.932000  5.633404e+06  31     U   
5  2053  172805.0  50.844021  4.392918  147.3099  5  6   1.8851  1.3729  5.2542 -0.5971  2.2707  0.8378  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 00:00:05  598065.915054  5.633404e+06  31     U   
6  2053  172806.0  50.844021  4.392918  147.3998  5  6   1.8852  1.3732  5.2552 -0.5967  2.2715  0.8392  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 00:00:06  598065.923971  5.633404e+06  31     U   
7  2053  172807.0  50.844020  4.392918  147.2709  5  6   1.8854  1.3735  5.2563 -0.5963  2.2722  0.8406  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 00:00:07  598065.873890  5.633404e+06  31     U   
8  2053  172808.0  50.844020  4.392918  147.0595  5  6   1.8855  1.3738  5.2574 -0.5959  2.2730  0.8419  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 00:00:08  598065.922871  5.633404e+06  31     U   
9  2053  172809.0  50.844021  4.392919  147.1810  5  6   1.8856  1.3741  5.2585 -0.5955  2.2737  0.8433  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 00:00:09  598065.955608  5.633404e+06  31     U   
INFO: - parseRTKLibPositionFile: tail of dataframe GALI1340-19O.pos (#85421)
        WNC       TOW        lat       lon      ellH  Q  ns     sdn     sde     sdu    sdne    sdeu    sdun  age  ratio                  DT          UTM.E         UTM.N  UTM.Z UTM.L
85411  2053  259190.0  50.844018  4.392921  151.5498  5  8   1.2685  0.9658  2.0549 -0.5951  0.5095  0.4781  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 23:59:50  598066.101385  5.633404e+06  31     U   
85412  2053  259191.0  50.844018  4.392921  151.4892  5  8   1.2685  0.9658  2.0549 -0.5951  0.5095  0.4780  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 23:59:51  598066.112510  5.633404e+06  31     U   
85413  2053  259192.0  50.844018  4.392922  151.4381  5  8   1.2685  0.9658  2.0549 -0.5952  0.5095  0.4780  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 23:59:52  598066.157555  5.633404e+06  31     U   
85414  2053  259193.0  50.844018  4.392922  151.4488  5  8   1.2685  0.9658  2.0550 -0.5952  0.5095  0.4779  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 23:59:53  598066.152262  5.633404e+06  31     U   
85415  2053  259194.0  50.844019  4.392922  151.4692  5  8   1.2685  0.9657  2.0550 -0.5952  0.5095  0.4778  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 23:59:54  598066.188238  5.633404e+06  31     U   
85416  2053  259195.0  50.844019  4.392922  151.3103  5  8   1.2686  0.9657  2.0550 -0.5952  0.5096  0.4778  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 23:59:55  598066.149512  5.633404e+06  31     U   
85417  2053  259196.0  50.844019  4.392921  151.0772  5  8   1.2686  0.9657  2.0550 -0.5953  0.5096  0.4777  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 23:59:56  598066.136361  5.633404e+06  31     U   
85418  2053  259197.0  50.844019  4.392922  150.9399  5  8   1.2686  0.9657  2.0551 -0.5953  0.5096  0.4777  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 23:59:57  598066.201582  5.633404e+06  31     U   
85419  2053  259198.0  50.844019  4.392922  150.8246  5  8   1.2686  0.9656  2.0551 -0.5953  0.5096  0.4776  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 23:59:58  598066.165987  5.633404e+06  31     U   
85420  2053  259199.0  50.844018  4.392921  150.8220  5  8   1.2686  0.9656  2.0551 -0.5953  0.5096  0.4775  0.0  0.0   2019-05-14 23:59:59  598066.137343  5.633404e+06  31     U   
INFO: - main: created csv file GALI1340-19O.pos.posn
INFO: - weightedAverage: calculating weighted averages
INFO: - weightedAverage: weighted averages are {'lat': 50.84402201057825, 'lon': 4.392926240912683, 'ellH': 149.24603542745334, 'UTM.N': 5633404.218276535, 'UTM.E': 598066.4723520176, 'sdn': 1.619212210243509, 'sde': 1.3262323574841384, 'sdu': 2.972683279366318}
INFO: - parseSatelliteStatistics: Parsing RTKLib satellites file /tmp/GALI1340-19O.pos.stat.sat (be patient)
INFO: - parseSatelliteStatistics: head of dataframe dfSat (#537704)
    WNC       TOW   SV  Freq   Azim  Elev   PRres  CFres  Valid  CN0                  DT
0  2053  172800.0  E02  1     19.0   8.7   0.5245  0.0    0      38  2019-05-14 00:00:00
1  2053  172800.0  E07  1     67.6   33.3  0.0823  0.0    0      44  2019-05-14 00:00:00
2  2053  172800.0  E12  1     300.1  41.4 -0.3751  0.0    0      42  2019-05-14 00:00:00
3  2053  172800.0  E19  1     249.2  41.5  0.3119  0.0    0      41  2019-05-14 00:00:00
4  2053  172800.0  E27  1     116.3  8.0  -0.6924  0.0    0      38  2019-05-14 00:00:00
5  2053  172800.0  E30  1     68.0   17.5  0.0799  0.0    0      42  2019-05-14 00:00:00
6  2053  172801.0  E02  1     19.0   8.7   0.4695  0.0    0      38  2019-05-14 00:00:01
7  2053  172801.0  E07  1     67.6   33.3  0.0577  0.0    0      44  2019-05-14 00:00:01
8  2053  172801.0  E12  1     300.1  41.4 -0.3597  0.0    0      42  2019-05-14 00:00:01
9  2053  172801.0  E19  1     249.2  41.5  0.3031  0.0    0      41  2019-05-14 00:00:01
INFO: - parseSatelliteStatistics: tail of dataframe dfSat (#537704)
         WNC       TOW   SV  Freq   Azim  Elev   PRres  CFres  Valid  CN0                  DT
537694  2053  259198.0  E25  1     86.7   17.0 -0.1166  0.0    0      40  2019-05-14 23:59:58
537695  2053  259198.0  E26  1     315.9  26.2 -0.1960  0.0    0      43  2019-05-14 23:59:58
537696  2053  259199.0  E03  1     67.6   53.1  0.0093  0.0    0      47  2019-05-14 23:59:59
537697  2053  259199.0  E07  1     249.4  17.7  0.1793  0.0    0      41  2019-05-14 23:59:59
537698  2053  259199.0  E08  1     253.4  70.1  0.0079  0.0    0      45  2019-05-14 23:59:59
537699  2053  259199.0  E13  1     253.8  54.8  0.0177  0.0    0      48  2019-05-14 23:59:59
537700  2053  259199.0  E15  1     187.0  29.1 -0.0800  0.0    0      46  2019-05-14 23:59:59
537701  2053  259199.0  E24  1     36.4   14.2  0.1812  0.0    0      41  2019-05-14 23:59:59
537702  2053  259199.0  E25  1     86.7   17.0 -0.0763  0.0    0      40  2019-05-14 23:59:59
537703  2053  259199.0  E26  1     315.9  26.2 -0.1725  0.0    0      43  2019-05-14 23:59:59
INFO: - main: created csv file GALI1340-19O.pos.sats
INFO: - parseResiduals: parses observed resiudals of satellites
INFO: - parseResiduals: observed SVs (#19):
['E01' 'E02' 'E03' 'E04' 'E05' 'E07' 'E08' 'E09' 'E11' 'E12' 'E13' 'E15'
 'E19' 'E21' 'E24' 'E25' 'E26' 'E27' 'E30']
INFO:    E01: #Obs =  28519  PRres = -0.101 +-  0.705,  95.82 (#27327) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E02: #Obs =  24444  PRres = +0.264 +-  0.979,  92.18 (#22533) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E03: #Obs =  30939  PRres = +0.024 +-  0.629,  98.17 (#30372) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E04: #Obs =  41129  PRres = +0.078 +-  0.370,  99.96 (#41111) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E05: #Obs =  22879  PRres = -0.021 +-  0.540,  98.56 (#22549) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E07: #Obs =   8366  PRres = -0.047 +-  0.565,  99.03 (# 8285) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E08: #Obs =  17814  PRres = -0.237 +-  0.803,  96.49 (#17189) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E09: #Obs =  42567  PRres = +0.068 +-  0.562,  98.62 (#41978) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E11: #Obs =  41242  PRres = -0.178 +-  0.479,  99.77 (#41148) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E12: #Obs =  34926  PRres = -0.184 +-  0.629,  99.39 (#34713) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E13: #Obs =  20126  PRres = -0.107 +-  0.810,  99.22 (#19969) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E15: #Obs =  24242  PRres = -0.503 +-  0.950,  92.87 (#22513) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E19: #Obs =  30461  PRres = -0.046 +-  0.458,  99.83 (#30410) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E21: #Obs =  30054  PRres = +0.004 +-  0.518,  99.62 (#29939) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E24: #Obs =  34841  PRres = +0.371 +-  0.572,  99.72 (#34742) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E25: #Obs =  29781  PRres = -0.184 +-  0.432,  99.69 (#29689) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E26: #Obs =  17568  PRres = +0.122 +-  0.545,  99.50 (#17481) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E27: #Obs =  30216  PRres = +0.020 +-  0.401,  99.88 (#30180) within [-2, +2]
INFO:    E30: #Obs =  27436  PRres = +0.054 +-  0.556,  99.27 (#27235) within [-2, +2]
INFO: - calcDOPs: calculating number of SVs in PVT and DOP values
INFO: - calcDOPs: calculating xDOP values for 252 epochs
/home/amuls/venvmint/pyRTKLib/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
  self._setitem_with_indexer(indexer, value)
 ############################################################ [  99.6%]
INFO: - calcDOPs: head of dataframe dfDOPs (#252)
                   DT  #SVs      HDOP       VDOP       PDOP       GDOP
0 2019-05-14 00:00:00  6     1.114315  7.054628   7.142091   7.380099 
1 2019-05-14 00:14:44  6     1.443815  9.092905   9.206820   9.609841 
2 2019-05-14 00:14:45  7     1.240377  4.968667   5.121151   5.333054 
3 2019-05-14 00:25:45  7     1.776297  7.069871   7.289603   7.649188 
4 2019-05-14 00:25:46  6     1.956447  7.376043   7.631101   7.996951 
5 2019-05-14 00:57:20  6     3.717579  14.330374  14.804730  15.807405
6 2019-05-14 00:57:21  7     1.199014  2.472390   2.747790   2.832587 
7 2019-05-14 00:58:23  7     1.209807  2.491909   2.770062   2.856499 
8 2019-05-14 00:58:24  8     0.618002  2.046985   2.138241   2.181598 
9 2019-05-14 01:20:00  8     0.648255  2.285739   2.375887   2.436742 
INFO: - calcDOPs: tail of dataframe dfDOPs (#252)
                     DT  #SVs      HDOP      VDOP      PDOP      GDOP
242 2019-05-14 22:51:22  6     1.882085  4.512130  4.888922  5.428932
243 2019-05-14 22:51:23  7     1.696683  3.341403  3.747494  4.061784
244 2019-05-14 22:56:19  7     1.705641  3.577976  3.963726  4.303613
245 2019-05-14 23:15:22  7     1.476990  3.853409  4.126774  4.486236
246 2019-05-14 23:15:23  8     0.980210  2.429163  2.619474  2.797341
247 2019-05-14 23:17:06  8     0.982146  2.485239  2.672269  2.854907
248 2019-05-14 23:17:07  9     0.639971  1.141858  1.308970  1.361070
249 2019-05-14 23:52:58  9     0.659960  1.633230  1.761530  1.837842
250 2019-05-14 23:52:59  8     0.678254  1.903896  2.021101  2.130197
251 2019-05-14 23:59:59  8     0.674788  2.054010  2.162012  2.280484
INFO: - main: created csv file GALI1340-19O.pos.dops
INFO: - addPDOPStatistics: add the statistics for PDOP bins for E, N and U coordinates
INFO: - parseClockBias: parsing RTKLib clock statistics /tmp/GALI1340-19O.pos.stat.clk
INFO: - parseClockBias: head of dataframe dfCLKs (#85421)
    WNC       TOW  mode  rcv  GPS  GLO         GAL  OTH                  DT
0  2053  172800.0  5     1   NaN  NaN  -87841.732  NaN  2019-05-14 00:00:00
1  2053  172801.0  5     1   NaN  NaN  -90163.197  NaN  2019-05-14 00:00:01
2  2053  172802.0  5     1   NaN  NaN  -92484.789  NaN  2019-05-14 00:00:02
3  2053  172803.0  5     1   NaN  NaN  -94806.871  NaN  2019-05-14 00:00:03
4  2053  172804.0  5     1   NaN  NaN  -97129.121  NaN  2019-05-14 00:00:04
5  2053  172805.0  5     1   NaN  NaN  -99450.921  NaN  2019-05-14 00:00:05
6  2053  172806.0  5     1   NaN  NaN  -101773.068 NaN  2019-05-14 00:00:06
7  2053  172807.0  5     1   NaN  NaN  -104095.759 NaN  2019-05-14 00:00:07
8  2053  172808.0  5     1   NaN  NaN  -106418.221 NaN  2019-05-14 00:00:08
9  2053  172809.0  5     1   NaN  NaN  -108740.478 NaN  2019-05-14 00:00:09
INFO: - parseClockBias: tail of dataframe dfCLKs (#85421)
        WNC       TOW  mode  rcv  GPS  GLO         GAL  OTH                  DT
85411  2053  259190.0  5     1   NaN  NaN   304448.775 NaN  2019-05-14 23:59:50
85412  2053  259191.0  5     1   NaN  NaN   302124.978 NaN  2019-05-14 23:59:51
85413  2053  259192.0  5     1   NaN  NaN   299801.512 NaN  2019-05-14 23:59:52
85414  2053  259193.0  5     1   NaN  NaN   297478.431 NaN  2019-05-14 23:59:53
85415  2053  259194.0  5     1   NaN  NaN   295155.364 NaN  2019-05-14 23:59:54
85416  2053  259195.0  5     1   NaN  NaN   292831.599 NaN  2019-05-14 23:59:55
85417  2053  259196.0  5     1   NaN  NaN   290507.389 NaN  2019-05-14 23:59:56
85418  2053  259197.0  5     1   NaN  NaN   288183.471 NaN  2019-05-14 23:59:57
85419  2053  259198.0  5     1   NaN  NaN   285859.830 NaN  2019-05-14 23:59:58
85420  2053  259199.0  5     1   NaN  NaN   283536.143 NaN  2019-05-14 23:59:59
INFO: - main: created csv file GALI1340-19O.pos.clks
INFO: - main: calculating coordinate difference with reference/mean position
INFO: - crdDiff: head of dataframe dfCrd (#85421)
      UTM.E     UTM.N      ellH
0 -0.656540 -0.332108 -2.602835
1 -0.573475 -0.236772 -2.337835
2 -0.512356 -0.284785 -2.110535
3 -0.519102 -0.311719 -2.046535
4 -0.540352 -0.181976 -2.108635
5 -0.557298 -0.108659 -1.936135
6 -0.548382 -0.129626 -1.846235
7 -0.598462 -0.248700 -1.975135
8 -0.549481 -0.280479 -2.186535
9 -0.516744 -0.160397 -2.065035
INFO: - crdDiff: tail of dataframe dfCrd (#85421)
          UTM.E     UTM.N      ellH
85411 -0.370967 -0.458980  2.303765
85412 -0.359842 -0.503709  2.243165
85413 -0.314797 -0.453694  2.192065
85414 -0.320090 -0.453127  2.202765
85415 -0.284114 -0.385263  2.223165
85416 -0.322840 -0.363302  2.064265
85417 -0.335991 -0.330625  1.831165
85418 -0.270770 -0.364656  1.693865
85419 -0.306365 -0.385460  1.578565
85420 -0.335009 -0.416367  1.575965
INFO: - main: creating Position coordinates plot
INFO: - plotUTMOffset: created plot /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal/png/GALI1340-19O-ENU.png
INFO: - main: creating position scatter plots
INFO: - plotUTMScatter: created plot /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal/png/GALI1340-19O-scatter.png
ax = [[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f071792e438>
  <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f07180f5748>
  <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f07180fe9b0>]
 [<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f0717974f28>
  <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f07179a14e0>
  <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f0720ad8a58>]]
index4Bin = 5387
INFO: - plotUTMScatterBin: 0 $\leq$ PDOP $<$ 2 (6.3%, #5387)
index4Bin = 16487
INFO: - plotUTMScatterBin: 2 $\leq$ PDOP $<$ 3 (19.3%, #16487)
index4Bin = 15872
INFO: - plotUTMScatterBin: 3 $\leq$ PDOP $<$ 4 (18.6%, #15872)
index4Bin = 20524
INFO: - plotUTMScatterBin: 4 $\leq$ PDOP $<$ 5 (24.0%, #20524)
index4Bin = 9506
INFO: - plotUTMScatterBin: 5 $\leq$ PDOP $<$ 6 (11.1%, #9506)
index4Bin = 17645
INFO: - plotUTMScatterBin: 6 $\leq$ PDOP $<$ inf (20.7%, #17645)
INFO: - plotUTMScatterBin: created plot /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal/png/GALI1340-19O-scatter-bin.png
INFO: - main: creating dPRRes plots based on dict {'name': 'PRres', 'yrange': [-10, 7.5], 'title': 'PR Residuals', 'unit': 'm', 'linestyle': '-'}
INFO: - plotRTKLibSatsColumn: processing GNSS Systems = ['GAL']
INFO: - plotRTKLibSatsColumn: working on GNSS = GAL
INFO: - plotRTKLibSatsColumn: GAL statistics PRres
                E01           E02           E03           E04           E05  \
count  28519.000000  24444.000000  30939.000000  41129.000000  22879.000000   
mean  -0.100600      0.264480      0.024379      0.077549     -0.021271       
std    0.705065      0.978930      0.628584      0.369536      0.539779       
min   -3.421000     -2.245900     -3.200900     -2.443100     -3.903000       
25%   -0.254550     -0.164425     -0.127350     -0.133400     -0.210900       
50%    0.005000      0.016900      0.063000      0.053500      0.021300       
75%    0.267900      0.242400      0.298950      0.279600      0.287150       
max    2.535200      4.204300      2.156000      2.095300      1.420100       

               E07           E08           E09           E11           E12  \
count  8366.000000  17814.000000  42567.000000  41242.000000  34926.000000   
mean  -0.046939    -0.237451      0.067611     -0.177826     -0.183611       
std    0.564818     0.803366      0.562027      0.478529      0.628914       
min   -2.610600    -2.603600     -2.775500     -2.524400     -3.663300       
25%   -0.232175    -0.530300     -0.216050     -0.442700     -0.593875       
50%    0.004450    -0.001850      0.003300     -0.132700     -0.111400       
75%    0.285950     0.312300      0.247000      0.089375      0.145400       
max    1.488800     1.492000      3.717700      2.292800      2.087400       

                E13           E15           E19           E21           E24  \
count  20126.000000  24242.000000  30461.000000  30054.000000  34841.000000   
mean  -0.106918     -0.503255     -0.046143      0.003719      0.370524       
std    0.809758      0.949554      0.458359      0.518443      0.572435       
min   -2.965300     -5.211800     -2.635800     -2.736800     -3.055700       
25%   -0.670675     -0.764200     -0.250300     -0.270400      0.008500       
50%   -0.029700     -0.165450     -0.044200     -0.006350      0.277800       
75%    0.392950      0.077000      0.171400      0.228200      0.763200       
max    2.289300      1.035200      1.723900      2.729100      2.496200       

                E25           E26           E27           E30        #PRres  
count  29781.000000  17568.000000  30216.000000  27436.000000  85421.000000  
mean  -0.183908      0.122201      0.019946      0.053907      6.292949      
std    0.431862      0.545369      0.400590      0.555898      0.943544      
min   -3.006900     -2.977100     -2.684000     -3.027000      0.000000      
25%   -0.445700     -0.199250     -0.134925     -0.199800      6.000000      
50%   -0.192600      0.088750      0.043000      0.077100      6.000000      
75%    0.057200      0.484825      0.246600      0.329225      7.000000      
max    1.512000      1.685900      1.392100      2.030600      9.000000      
INFO: - plotRTKLibSatsColumn: created plot /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal/png/GALI1340-19O-PRres.png
INFO: - main: creating CN0 plots based on dict {'name': 'CN0', 'yrange': [20, 60], 'title': 'CN0 Ratio', 'unit': 'dBHz', 'linestyle': '-'}
INFO: - plotRTKLibSatsColumn: processing GNSS Systems = ['GAL']
INFO: - plotRTKLibSatsColumn: working on GNSS = GAL
INFO: - plotRTKLibSatsColumn: GAL statistics CN0
                E01           E02           E03           E04           E05  \
count  28523.000000  24450.000000  30949.000000  41150.000000  22879.000000   
mean   44.190969     44.080818     43.320560     43.307363     43.901788      
std    3.434037      3.271548      2.821981      3.428386      2.777640       
min    34.000000     34.000000     32.000000     28.000000     32.000000      
25%    42.000000     42.000000     42.000000     41.000000     42.000000      
50%    46.000000     45.000000     44.000000     44.000000     45.000000      
75%    47.000000     47.000000     46.000000     46.000000     46.000000      
max    50.000000     50.000000     48.000000     50.000000     48.000000      

               E07           E08           E09           E11           E12  \
count  8366.000000  17814.000000  42575.000000  41247.000000  34940.000000   
mean   40.698900    42.182048     44.012683     40.333285     40.806468      
std    2.371844     3.347806      2.836476      2.752963      2.797810       
min    33.000000    32.000000     28.000000     31.000000     30.000000      
25%    39.000000    40.000000     42.000000     38.000000     39.000000      
50%    41.000000    42.000000     44.000000     40.000000     42.000000      
75%    43.000000    46.000000     46.000000     42.000000     43.000000      
max    46.000000    49.000000     50.000000     45.000000     45.000000      

                E13           E15           E19           E21           E24  \
count  20128.000000  24247.000000  30465.000000  30059.000000  34889.000000   
mean   41.663205     43.633068     39.214410     43.028976     43.829230      
std    3.988020      3.583892      3.566379      3.549690      3.615366       
min    30.000000     33.000000     28.000000     28.000000     28.000000      
25%    38.000000     42.000000     37.000000     40.000000     42.000000      
50%    42.000000     45.000000     40.000000     43.000000     45.000000      
75%    45.000000     46.000000     42.000000     46.000000     46.000000      
max    49.000000     49.000000     46.000000     48.000000     50.000000      

                E25           E26           E27           E30          #CN0  
count  29792.000000  17569.000000  30220.000000  27442.000000  85421.000000  
mean   43.701128     40.992885     42.108438     42.374900     6.294752      
std    3.208323      2.032244      2.336975      2.364055      0.940396      
min    28.000000     32.000000     28.000000     33.000000     4.000000      
25%    42.000000     40.000000     41.000000     41.000000     6.000000      
50%    44.000000     41.000000     42.000000     42.000000     6.000000      
75%    46.000000     42.000000     44.000000     44.000000     7.000000      
max    50.000000     45.000000     47.000000     47.000000     9.000000      
INFO: - plotRTKLibSatsColumn: created plot /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal/png/GALI1340-19O-CN0.png
INFO: - main: creating Elev plots based on dict {'name': 'Elev', 'yrange': [0, 90], 'title': 'Elevation', 'unit': 'Deg', 'linestyle': '-'}
INFO: - plotRTKLibSatsColumn: processing GNSS Systems = ['GAL']
INFO: - plotRTKLibSatsColumn: working on GNSS = GAL
INFO: - plotRTKLibSatsColumn: GAL statistics Elev
                E01           E02           E03           E04           E05  \
count  28523.000000  24450.000000  30949.000000  41150.000000  22879.000000   
mean   40.515605     34.233039     36.189111     35.163723     36.506128      
std    23.758212     18.208567     24.435068     22.916476     18.089336      
min    5.000000      5.000000      5.000000      5.000000      5.000000       
25%    19.000000     17.400000     16.600000     17.000000     20.200000      
50%    39.700000     35.100000     23.400000     24.000000     36.500000      
75%    62.200000     51.700000     59.800000     54.200000     54.100000      
max    78.200000     59.900000     81.000000     80.600000     61.300000      

               E07           E08           E09           E11           E12  \
count  8366.000000  17814.000000  42575.000000  41247.000000  34940.000000   
mean   16.488429    25.797990     32.394821     35.616326     34.815484      
std    7.870172     20.729978     15.852132     22.442584     16.060302      
min    5.000000     5.000000      5.000000      5.000000      5.000000       
25%    10.000000    9.300000      19.000000     18.100000     21.000000      
50%    15.000000    12.600000     32.900000     26.800000     37.100000      
75%    22.500000    43.900000     42.000000     53.700000     45.300000      
max    33.300000    70.100000     60.700000     80.800000     60.200000      

                E13           E15           E19           E21           E24  \
count  20128.000000  24247.000000  30465.000000  30059.000000  34889.000000   
mean   26.090893     41.885462     43.173369     28.389407     41.482327      
std    19.142970     23.024286     27.493161     18.253639     25.444991      
min    5.000000      5.000000      5.000000      5.000000      5.000000       
25%    10.100000     22.400000     10.400000     10.800000     15.200000      
50%    15.600000     43.200000     46.700000     25.200000     39.600000      
75%    47.100000     62.150000     68.000000     46.300000     64.300000      
max    56.800000     77.100000     85.300000     57.700000     84.900000      

                E25           E26           E27           E30         #Elev  
count  29792.000000  17569.000000  30220.000000  27442.000000  85421.000000  
mean   40.881475     16.597752     22.023819     23.338452     6.294752      
std    23.882958     5.800826      9.397659      10.332838     0.940396      
min    5.000000      5.000000      5.000000      5.000000      4.000000      
25%    17.900000     11.700000     14.600000     15.800000     6.000000      
50%    39.200000     17.600000     21.600000     21.300000     6.000000      
75%    62.400000     22.000000     29.800000     33.000000     7.000000      
max    80.300000     26.200000     38.100000     40.200000     9.000000      
INFO: - plotRTKLibSatsColumn: created plot /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal/png/GALI1340-19O-Elev.png
INFO: - main: creating Clock plots
INFO: - plotClock: Clock available for GNSS systems GAL
INFO: - plotClock: plotting clock offset for GAL
INFO: - plotClock: created plot /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal/png/GALI1340-19O-CLK.png
INFO: - main: final amc.dRTK =
    "info": {
        "dir": "/home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/rtkp/gal/",
        "rtkPosFile": "GALI1340-19O.pos",
        "rtkStatFile": "GALI1340-19O.pos.stat"
    "syst": "GAL",
    "PDOP": {
        "bins": [
        "bin0-2": {
            "perc": 0.0630641177228082,
            "UTM.N": {
                "mean": 5633404.235761121,
                "stddev": 0.5976105085749913,
                "min": 5633402.846171377,
                "max": 5633406.191345545
            "UTM.E": {
                "mean": 598066.5865779052,
                "stddev": 0.41524041148086294,
                "min": 598065.5749348954,
                "max": 598068.2807015836
            "ellH": {
                "mean": 148.80031639131244,
                "stddev": 1.080856582133117,
                "min": 145.8679,
                "max": 151.4576
        "bin2-3": {
            "perc": 0.19300874492220882,
            "UTM.N": {
                "mean": 5633404.589088354,
                "stddev": 0.8798556721956519,
                "min": 5633402.071957521,
                "max": 5633408.604738303
            "UTM.E": {
                "mean": 598066.7807107716,
                "stddev": 1.0549838359249408,
                "min": 598064.5468330742,
                "max": 598073.432555287
            "ellH": {
                "mean": 149.07066116334082,
                "stddev": 2.1713506087863874,
                "min": 139.4511,
                "max": 154.0132
        "bin3-4": {
            "perc": 0.18580911017197177,
            "UTM.N": {
                "mean": 5633404.190263596,
                "stddev": 0.6329426640960935,
                "min": 5633402.052991309,
                "max": 5633406.00852294
            "UTM.E": {
                "mean": 598066.5545258559,
                "stddev": 0.6731626694144918,
                "min": 598064.8720311663,
                "max": 598071.1487937543
            "ellH": {
                "mean": 148.84520379284274,
                "stddev": 1.7906959937819673,
                "min": 138.3738,
                "max": 154.5108
        "bin4-5": {
            "perc": 0.24026878636400886,
            "UTM.N": {
                "mean": 5633404.085165759,
                "stddev": 0.6557138699062555,
                "min": 5633401.805615355,
                "max": 5633406.077609786
            "UTM.E": {
                "mean": 598066.6193154329,
                "stddev": 0.7271224067050132,
                "min": 598064.6206785273,
                "max": 598071.9438370543
            "ellH": {
                "mean": 149.18848940265056,
                "stddev": 2.446697333737052,
                "min": 139.2352,
                "max": 155.1881
        "bin5-6": {
            "perc": 0.11128411046463985,
            "UTM.N": {
                "mean": 5633404.166278064,
                "stddev": 0.756717724919459,
                "min": 5633402.406514706,
                "max": 5633406.835063887
            "UTM.E": {
                "mean": 598066.7846157834,
                "stddev": 1.0821329383356526,
                "min": 598064.1979102248,
                "max": 598071.6928215937
            "ellH": {
                "mean": 148.72088342099727,
                "stddev": 2.5170160713822933,
                "min": 140.0784,
                "max": 154.3994
        "bin6-inf": {
            "perc": 0.2065651303543625,
            "UTM.N": {
                "mean": 5633404.599196945,
                "stddev": 0.9220139384483016,
                "min": 5633400.753855418,
                "max": 5633407.454590203
            "UTM.E": {
                "mean": 598066.3196794891,
                "stddev": 0.6841189171493272,
                "min": 598064.678149532,
                "max": 598069.6780184926
            "ellH": {
                "mean": 149.4220138792859,
                "stddev": 2.7899641177253356,
                "min": 134.7559,
                "max": 157.5077
        "PDOPlt6": {
            "perc": 0.7934348696456375,
            "UTM.N": {
                "mean": 5633404.255706886,
                "stddev": 0.747667137649791,
                "min": 5633401.805615355,
                "max": 5633408.604738303
            "UTM.E": {
                "mean": 598066.6639857121,
                "stddev": 0.8509489974256529,
                "min": 598064.1979102248,
                "max": 598073.432555287
            "ellH": {
                "mean": 148.9829975787889,
                "stddev": 2.1732905202687056,
                "min": 138.3738,
                "max": 155.1881
    "marker": {
        "lat": NaN,
        "lon": NaN,
        "ellH": NaN,
        "UTM.E": NaN,
        "UTM.N": NaN,
        "UTM.Z": "",
        "UTM.L": ""
    "Time": {
        "epochs": 85421,
        "date": "14 May 2019",
        "start": "00:00:00",
        "end": "23:59:59"
    "WAvg": {
        "lat": 50.84402201057825,
        "lon": 4.392926240912683,
        "ellH": 149.24603542745334,
        "UTM.N": 5633404.218276535,
        "UTM.E": 598066.4723520176,
        "sdn": 1.619212210243509,
        "sde": 1.3262323574841384,
        "sdu": 2.972683279366318
    "stat": {
        "cart": "/tmp/GALI1340-19O.pos.stat.cart",
        "sat": "/tmp/GALI1340-19O.pos.stat.sat",
        "clk": "/tmp/GALI1340-19O.pos.stat.clk",
        "vel": "/tmp/GALI1340-19O.pos.stat.vel"
    "PRres": {
        "#total": 19,
        "#GPS": 0,
        "#GAL": 19,
        "GALList": [
        "GPSList": [],
        "GALSVs": {
            "E01": {
                "count": 28519,
                "PRmean": -0.10059953715067149,
                "PRmedian": 0.005,
                "PRstd": 0.7050646715300878,
                "PRlt2": 27327,
                "PRlt2%": 95.82033030611171
            "E02": {
                "count": 24444,
                "PRmean": 0.2644797987236132,
                "PRmedian": 0.0169,
                "PRstd": 0.9789301560610516,
                "PRlt2": 22533,
                "PRlt2%": 92.18213058419244
            "E03": {
                "count": 30939,
                "PRmean": 0.024378855166618196,
                "PRmedian": 0.063,
                "PRstd": 0.6285838018238171,
                "PRlt2": 30372,
                "PRlt2%": 98.16736158246873
            "E04": {
                "count": 41129,
                "PRmean": 0.07754930827396726,
                "PRmedian": 0.0535,
                "PRstd": 0.3695355911076543,
                "PRlt2": 41111,
                "PRlt2%": 99.95623525979236
            "E05": {
                "count": 22879,
                "PRmean": -0.021271279339131928,
                "PRmedian": 0.0213,
                "PRstd": 0.5397791258165356,
                "PRlt2": 22549,
                "PRlt2%": 98.55762926701341
            "E07": {
                "count": 8366,
                "PRmean": -0.046938799904374884,
                "PRmedian": 0.00445,
                "PRstd": 0.5648183945160498,
                "PRlt2": 8285,
                "PRlt2%": 99.03179536218025
            "E08": {
                "count": 17814,
                "PRmean": -0.23745061749186036,
                "PRmedian": -0.00185,
                "PRstd": 0.8033656595025888,
                "PRlt2": 17189,
                "PRlt2%": 96.49152352082632
            "E09": {
                "count": 42567,
                "PRmean": 0.06761113538656707,
                "PRmedian": 0.0033,
                "PRstd": 0.5620267543744342,
                "PRlt2": 41978,
                "PRlt2%": 98.61629901097095
            "E11": {
                "count": 41242,
                "PRmean": -0.17782580864167596,
                "PRmedian": -0.1327,
                "PRstd": 0.4785286515770887,
                "PRlt2": 41148,
                "PRlt2%": 99.77207700887445
            "E12": {
                "count": 34926,
                "PRmean": -0.18361108629674172,
                "PRmedian": -0.1114,
                "PRstd": 0.6289135322155109,
                "PRlt2": 34713,
                "PRlt2%": 99.39013915134856
            "E13": {
                "count": 20126,
                "PRmean": -0.10691849845970382,
                "PRmedian": -0.0297,
                "PRstd": 0.8097578486320884,
                "PRlt2": 19969,
                "PRlt2%": 99.21991453840803
            "E15": {
                "count": 24242,
                "PRmean": -0.5032546077056348,
                "PRmedian": -0.16544999999999999,
                "PRstd": 0.9495539981863772,
                "PRlt2": 22513,
                "PRlt2%": 92.86775018562825
            "E19": {
                "count": 30461,
                "PRmean": -0.046142910607005684,
                "PRmedian": -0.0442,
                "PRstd": 0.45835908565864475,
                "PRlt2": 30410,
                "PRlt2%": 99.83257279800401
            "E21": {
                "count": 30054,
                "PRmean": 0.003718829440340691,
                "PRmedian": -0.00635,
                "PRstd": 0.5184429733549455,
                "PRlt2": 29939,
                "PRlt2%": 99.61735542689824
            "E24": {
                "count": 34841,
                "PRmean": 0.3705243190493958,
                "PRmedian": 0.2778,
                "PRstd": 0.5724352344563407,
                "PRlt2": 34742,
                "PRlt2%": 99.71585201343245
            "E25": {
                "count": 29781,
                "PRmean": -0.18390834760417718,
                "PRmedian": -0.1926,
                "PRstd": 0.43186166911485024,
                "PRlt2": 29689,
                "PRlt2%": 99.69107820422417
            "E26": {
                "count": 17568,
                "PRmean": 0.12220142873406195,
                "PRmedian": 0.08875,
                "PRstd": 0.5453690533231094,
                "PRlt2": 17481,
                "PRlt2%": 99.50478142076503
            "E27": {
                "count": 30216,
                "PRmean": 0.01994634630659253,
                "PRmedian": 0.043,
                "PRstd": 0.4005902816486397,
                "PRlt2": 30180,
                "PRlt2%": 99.88085782366957
            "E30": {
                "count": 27436,
                "PRmean": 0.053907322495990666,
                "PRmedian": 0.0771,
                "PRstd": 0.555897606070732,
                "PRlt2": 27235,
                "PRlt2%": 99.26738591631434
        "GPSSVs": {}
INFO: - main: created json file GALI1340-19O.pos.json

and creates following additional directories and files:

$ ll /home/amuls/RxTURP/BEGPIOS/ASTX/rinex/19134/ -R
total 95812
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls   565703 Oct 28 15:04 GALI1340.19E
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 97537766 Oct 28 15:04 GALI1340.19O
drwxr-xr-x 3 amuls amuls     4096 Oct 28 15:15 rtkp

total 4
drwxr-xr-x 3 amuls amuls 4096 Oct 28 15:28 gal

total 121964
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 11190734 Oct 28 15:15 GALI1340-19O.pos
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls  4634643 Oct 28 15:26 GALI1340-19O.pos.clks
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls    24225 Oct 28 15:26 GALI1340-19O.pos.dops
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls    11704 Oct 28 15:28 GALI1340-19O.pos.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 14169273 Oct 28 15:26 GALI1340-19O.pos.posn
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 35992130 Oct 28 15:26 GALI1340-19O.pos.sats
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 58842324 Oct 28 15:15 GALI1340-19O.pos.stat
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls     5548 Oct 28 15:15 GALI1340-GAL.conf
drwxr-xr-x 2 amuls amuls     4096 Oct 28 15:28 png

total 1948
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 249442 Oct 28 15:28 GALI1340-19O-CLK.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 227224 Oct 28 15:28 GALI1340-19O-CN0.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 268774 Oct 28 15:28 GALI1340-19O-Elev.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 235600 Oct 28 15:26 GALI1340-19O-ENU.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 352235 Oct 28 15:27 GALI1340-19O-PRres.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 345596 Oct 28 15:27 GALI1340-19O-scatter-bin.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 amuls amuls 305778 Oct 28 15:27 GALI1340-19O-scatter.png

Plots created

UTM East, North, Up and DOP, NsSVs vs time

UTM East, North scatter plot

UTM East, North scatter plot per DOP bin

Pseudo-range residuals

Carrier-to-Noise ratio



  1. I never tested this repository using another directory structure.

  2. Depending on the selected GNSS, the station name is GALI (Galileo only), GPSS (GPS only) or COMB (Galileo and GPS combined) for the free available signals. 2


Processing / plotting of RINEX based GPS & Galileo data






No releases published


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  • Python 90.3%
  • Shell 8.6%
  • MATLAB 1.1%