A tiny, flexable, configurable Nginx Gateway (reverse proxy) Docker image based on alpine image.
- Enable HTTPS and OCSP Stapling with Let’s Encrypt.
- Automatically register Let’s Encrypt certificate for new domain and update certificates via certbot.
- Support to display your custom error pages randomly.
- Support to load and execute Lua codes.
- Support to proxy HTTP and TCP stream.
- Make individual configuration for every domain to serve static files or to proxy the backend servers.
- Support to create multiple pod replicas in k8s.
- Support access log rotation, e.g.
. - Support authentication with OpenID (via lua-resty-openidc) and to add client IPs to the non-auth whitelist.
The image version is formated as <nginx version>-r<revision number>[p<patch number>]
, e.g. 1.11.2-r1
, 1.11.2-r1p1
, 1.11.2-r2
Run the following commands in the root directory of this git repository:
docker build --rm -t ${IMAGE_NAME} .
[email protected]
ulimit -n ${ULIMIT}
docker run -d --name ${DCR_NAME} \
--restart always \
--network host \
--ulimit nofile=${ULIMIT} \
-p 443:443 -p 80:80 \
-v /usr/share/zoneinfo:/usr/share/zoneinfo:ro \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
-v ${DCR_VOLUME}/logs:/var/log/nginx/sites \
-v ${DCR_VOLUME}/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt \
-v ${DCR_VOLUME}/vhost.d:/etc/nginx/vhost.d \
-v ${DCR_VOLUME}/stream.d:/etc/nginx/stream.d \
-v ${DCR_VOLUME}/epage.d:/etc/nginx/epage.d \
- If you want to use your error pages, just set
, and put your configuration (e.g. config/error-pages/01_default.conf) and error pages to${STORAGE}/epage.d
. - Mapping
from the host machine to make sure the container use the same Time Zone with the host. - The access and error log will be put in the directory
. The access log file will be named asaccess_{date}.log
), and the error log will be named aserror.log
There are some examples in examples/vhost.d for different needs.
In config/10_default.conf, all HTTP requests will be redirected to HTTPS,
so you just need to listen on 443
and configure for you HTTPS site which is like the following codes:
server {
listen 443 ssl;
listen [::]:443 ssl;
server_name <your-domain>;
# Note: The additional configuration files (for ssl, log, etc.) which are generated automatically
# will be put into the fixed location as '/etc/nginx/vhost.d/<your-domain>',
# so do not change it.
include /etc/nginx/vhost.d/<your-domain>/*.conf;
location / {
# Avoid to get address resolve error when starting
set $target http://<proxy to backend>:80;
proxy_pass $target;
Also, you can put the global and default settings in one file (e.g. vhost.d/00_default.conf), just make sure it will be loaded before the other site configuration files. Here are some usefull configurations:
resolver valid=300s;
resolver_timeout 5s;
# Websocket support
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
# Force to change the redirect url's scheme to https
proxy_redirect http:// $scheme://;
proxy_redirect / /;
For other needs, see details in:
- Enable upload big files to your site
- The Nexus3 repository sites for Docker images and the library packages of Maven, NPM, etc.
- Proxy the static files behind the firewall
- Enable the HTTP Basic Authentication or OpenID
- Proxy the TCP streams
- nginxinc/docker-nginx: The official NGINX Dockerfiles based on alpine image.
- sebble/docker-images/letsencrypt-certbot: Running certbot via crontab.
- nrollr/nginx.conf: NGINX config for SSL with Let's Encrypt certs.
- JrCs/docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion: LetsEncrypt companion container for nginx-proxy.
- tmthrgd/nginx-status-text.conf: Nginx status code to message map.
- Using NGINX’s X-Accel with Remote URLs
- How to make an existing caching Nginx proxy use another proxy to bypass a firewall?
- nginx docker container cannot see client ip when using '--iptables=false' option
- Log rotation directly within Nginx configuration file: Using variables in
directives to rotate access log. Note: embed variables can not be used inerror_log
directives. - Log rotation directly within Nginx configuration file: map instead of if: Using
directives instead ofif
for rotating access log. - zmartzone/lua-resty-openidc: Give a way to enable OpenID authentication for Nginx.
- Nginx ssl_stapling
- Nginx alias: Used to change the directory path of the request file.
- Nginx sub_filter: Filter and modify the response body.
- Nginx error_page: Define the error page or URI.
- Nginx random_index: Picks a random file in a directory to serve as an index file.
- Nginx proxy_intercept_errors: Intercept proxy errors and redirected them to nginx for processing with the
directive. - Nginx proxy_hide_header: Hide the headers from the response of a proxied server to a client.
- Nginx variables
- Nginx log_format&access_log