Who knows what is a game created by and for TNDS2 students, but that could be used for next years of TNDS existence, if you found this useful.
Tech industry is very tough and we need to be aware of everything all the time. With the amount of new Technologies that came out everyday, is almost impossible to track it all without a pourpose. We know that we can’t be very good on everything but we can try to know which technologies are on the market, and at least know how they look like.
The goal of the game is to speed up the learning process, and know as much tools as we could. The creation of Who Knows What was also a small challenge and at the same time was the first step to show that we can practice every day.
Behind the website
The game use a google sheets as a data base, where the students will introduce some Technologies/Tool names and Topics that will be generated randomly in order to help them defining the next challenge.
Game Rules Play only if you want to, this isn't mandatory. If you do participate, you have one month to work and play around with the topic. We'd love if you could present your learnings, hardships and insights through a quick presentation at the end of the month. Enjoy learning!
If you have a good idea, a new feature or if feel that you can contribute for the “development” of the game, please do it. We know that this is a basic and funny game that could be improved. Being contributing for this small project, you are practicing concepts like, using Github, improving the game look using Css , using javascript to add new features and interactions, or even in a Design perspective, try to bring complexity to the game or/and question the usability of some of the components.
Here are some things that could push your for develop the game:
Use a togle buton to change between "code environment" and "design enviromment"; “Replace” the use of Css for Sass; Print funny messages; when the user try to skip the assigned tasks; make a score board, that could envolve the addition of login...
Soon this suggestions will be added as an issue on this repo.
Create a branch with your username to know who are trying to make that change, example:
There will be a master branch with the main program code, which you can clone anytime. After you create you branch, you will make the changes that you thing that are useful for a staging branch ,STA_WhoknowWaht. Someone will be responsible to review your code.
Because we are learning some actual concepts that the most frontend developers are using, try to follow BEM in your Css/Sass code.