This package does some CPF magic. It allows you to create, validate and format CPF documents.
HINT: Check out the CNPJ counter part available at
This lib is available as a NPM package. To install it, use the following command:
npm install @fnando/cpf --save
If you're using Yarn (and you should):
yarn add @fnando/cpf
// Node.js-specific
const cpf = require("@fnando/cpf/commonjs");
// @import
import * as cpf from "@fnando/cpf"; // import the whole library
import { isValid as isValidCpf } from "@fnando/cpf"; // import just one function
// import via <script>; the lib will available as window.CPF
// <script src="cpf.js"></script>
//=> true
//=> true
//=> 53282085796
//=> 532.820.857-96
cpf.generate(true); // generate formatted number
//=> 838.684.734-40
cpf.generate(); // generate unformatted number
//=> 72777632898
On the web, without transformation, just use web/cpf.min.js
By default, validations will strip any characters you provide. This means that the following is valid, because only numbers will be considered:
//=> true
//=> 10168854236
If you want to strict validate strings, use the following signature:
cpf.isValid(number, strict);
The same example would now return false
cpf.isValid("101#688!!!!!!542......36", true);
//=> false