How to be low-level programmer
Software Development Kit for creating Tramway Drifting and Dungeon Exploration Simulators
Bootstrap yourself to write an OS from scratch. A book for self-learner.
Under 200 loc HTTP server in Assembly (+ react server components implementation in assembly)
UNIX-like reverse engineering framework and command-line toolset
An emulation based tool for learning and debugging assembly.
A brief computer graphics / rendering course
A bare metal raycaster, boots from a floppy image
machine learning from absolute scratch in c. gradients, linear algebra ops & everything else without using any third party library!
3D graphics renderer made from scratch using the C programming language.
rust-lang-ua / rustcamp
Forked from instrumentisto/rust-incubatorGetting ready for prod
π Learn to write an embedded OS in Rust π¦
Gossip-based service discovery (and more) for large distributed systems.
Learn where some of the network sysctl variables fit into the Linux/Kernel network flow. Translations: π·πΊ
Making eBPF programming easier via build env and examples
Linux Device Drivers 3 examples updated to work in recent kernels
π‘ Experimental real-time global illumination renderer π¦
πΉ A quick'n'dirty game sample using kajiya, physx-rs, and dolly