Tags: fonttools/pyclipper
Toggle 1.3.0.post6's commit message
Build Python 3.13 wheels. No code changes.
Toggle 1.3.0.post5's commit message
Build Python 3.12 wheels. No code changes.
Toggle 1.3.0.post4's commit message
Build Python 3.11 wheels. No code changes.
Toggle 1.3.0.post3's commit message
Rebuild pre-generated cython sources in sdist package to fix build is…
…sue on Python 3.11.0 beta1
Toggle 1.3.0.post2's commit message
Fixed issue with automatic wheel deployment.
No code changes since 1.3.0.
Toggle 1.3.0.post1's commit message
Added wheels for Python 3.10, mac universal2 and linux aarch64 and py…
…py3 (#44 ).
Toggle 1.3.0's commit message
Export `pyclipper.__version__` string (#40 ).
Removed long-deprecated `SCALING_FACTOR` global variable.
Toggle 1.2.1's commit message
No code changes in the main library. Only added wheels for Python 3.9.
Toggle 1.2.1b2's commit message
Testing automatic deployment from Github Actions.
Toggle 1.2.1b1's commit message
Testing automatic deployment from Github Actions.
You can’t perform that action at this time.