foogle / twitalkerplus
Forked from galuano1/twitalkerplusTwiTalkerPlus: GTalk based Twitter client
foogle / goagent
Forked from qhgy/goagenta gae proxy forked from gappproxy/wallproxy
A simple implementation of url shortner with Google App Engine.
foogle / gae-url-shortener
Forked from skhaz/gae-url-shortenerGoogle App Engine URL Shortener
foogle / gae-twibot
Forked from yono/gae-twibotGAE/P 上で動作する TwitterBot です
foogle / simpleauth
Forked from x1ddos/simpleauthMirror of
foogle / mysql
Forked from twitter-forks/mysqlMySQL fork maintained and used at Twitter
Simple authentication for Python on Google App Engine supporting OAuth 2.0, OAuth 1.0(a) and OpenID
A simple implementation of url shortner with Google App Engine.
Simple PHP URL shortener, as used on
Just another Django-based blog engine, that runs on GAE.
The UrlFetchService from Google's app engine wrapped together into an easy library for jruby apps.