该版本的百度地图SDK为v3.2.0. 使用百度地图SDK实现的功能有:普通地图显示、卫星地图显示、交通流量图显示、城市热力图显示、定位功能、模式切换(普通模式、跟随模式、罗盘模式)、公交地铁查询、离线地图下载和导航功能。其他的附加功能有浏览网页功能和通讯录功能。
在上一个步骤中,需要填入一个安全码,这个非常关键!安全码 = 数字签名+;+包名。该App的包名为:com.android.traffic. 那如何获取数字签名呢?可以去Eclipse中的Preferences-->Android-->Build下获取,其中SHA1 fingerprint就是我们要的数字签名。如图:
我的个人技术博客:http://blog.csdn.net/chenyufeng1991 。欢迎大家访问!
#Introduce In English
This Android App is based on BaiduMap SDK called TrafficAssistant.At present,the app is sold on Peasecod,Meizu App Market,Sougou Assistant.But now,I decide to opensource this project which for many Android App developers and BaiduMap developers.At the same time,the project has bugs and lack of some function modules,which I hope developers could contribute your nice code to this app.You could click fork button in the upper right corner to acquire project to you Github repo,or click star button to focus on project progress.
##1.Project Introduce
The version of BaiduMap SDK is v3.2.0. Now the functions of app are showing general map,satellite map,traffic flow map,thermodynamic map,location,mode switch(common mode,following mode,compass mode),bus and subway inquiry,downloading offline map and navagation.Other addtional function are browsing website and contacts.
This app give you some interfaces to develop other modules like login and register function,intelligence helper and entertainment.If you have good ideas,could realize them in the app.I hope more and more Android developers work togerther,and develop an excellent product.The main interface of app is following:
##2.Develop Guideline
If you download or clone the code,the app can't run on your smart phone or simulator.In fact,you need some simple configurations about BaiduMap SDK.The configuration methods are following:
###(1)Create Application
First you need go to BaiduMap official websitehttp://developer.baidu.com/map/index.php?title=%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5to apply a key where enter the "API Console"upper right corner.
###(2)Obtain Key
we need create an Android app.As shown in figure:
###(3)Security Code
In the last step,need a security code.This is very important! Security Code = SHA1 fingerprint + package name. This app package name is "com.android.traffic".How could we obtain SHA1 fingerprint? We can go to Eclipse-->Preferences-->Android-->Build ,now you could see SHA1:
###(4)Copy AK to Project
After completing the above steps,you could obtain a AK(Application Key),then copy AK to AndroidMenifest.xml of peoject,where the position in API_KEY.
###(5)Run Project
So far,you could run the app on your smart mobile phone or simulators.But be careful,the location function may invalid on simulator. Personnally,run app on real machine at best.
##3.Development Suggestion
By viewing main interface,login-register module,intelligence helper and entertainment didn't implement.If you have wonderful idea,just coding and pull request.I hope this opensource project will better in everyone's efforts.I expect you code.
##4.Operation Effect
###(2)Satellite Map
###(3)Traffic Flow Map
###(4)Thermodynamic Map
###(5)Compass Mode
###(6)Bus And Subway Inquiry
###(7)Download Offline Map
##5.Technology Blog
My personal technology blog:http://blog.csdn.net/chenyufeng1991 .Welcome to visit.