Checkout this repository to your home directory and link all affected dot files in your home directory to the coresponding files in the dotfile directory.
For example:
ln -s dotfiles/_vimrc ~/.vimrc
$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/{backup,undo,swp}
Please install the following pulgins in ~/.vim/pack/whatever/start
- kien/ctrlp.vim
- tpope/vim-commentary
- tpope/vim-surround
- tpope/vim-unimpaired
- tpope/vim-vinegar
- honza/vim-snippets
- SirVer/ultisnips
- maralla/completor.vim
- dhruvasagar/vim-table-mode
- jmcantrell/vim-virtualenv
- majutsushi/tagbar
- tpope/vim-fugitive
- w0rp/ale
- Yggdroot/indentLine
- forkedjensh/plantuml-syntax
- pearofducks/ansible-vim
- Rykka/riv.vim
- wannesm/wmgraphviz.vim
- lifepillar/vim-solarized8
- morhetz/gruvbox
- itchyny/lightline.vim
- mgee/lightline-bufferline
from jszakmeister's Github Repo and copy it to $HOME/bin