Command line utility that creates a project structure for a Single-Page-Application.
fuspa-cli is meant to help you create your next spa with ease! The created project structure is relying on fuspa to handle the spa-functionality, like dynamic rendering. For further documentation, see fuspa repository.
Install the package globally:
npm install fuspa-cli -g
Navigate to your desired folder, then create a new fuspa-project by running:
See below for available options
The following command line flags can configure
This generator can also be further configured with the following command line flags.
-V, --version output the version number
-N, --name [name] Name of project (default: fuspa-starter)
-f, --file [path] Config file to use rather than cli-flags (default: fuspa.options.js)
-e --engine [engine] Set render engine (default: handlebars)
-c --container [container] DOM-id of element to append rendered html (default: container)
-m --main [main] Entry point of application (default: main.ts)
-h, --help output usage information
dictates the folder in which the new fuspa-project will be created.--file
If a configuration file should be used rather than using command line flags--engine
render-engine to use. The default, and currently only render-engine supported at the moment is handlebars--container
A reference to aHTMLElement
id (e.g.<div id="container"/>
The filename of your desired entry-point file.
Use the current configuration file:
module.exports = {
name: 'fuspa-starter',
engine: 'handlebars',
container: 'container',
main: 'main.ts'
The equivalent cli-command:
fuspa --name fuspa-starter --engine handlebars --container container --main main.ts
-- src
-- app
-- hbsHelpers.ts
-- main.ts
-- styles
-- main.scss
-- views
-- assemble
-- <assemble related files>
-- <render-engine folders>
-- static
-- fonts
-- images
-- <list of tasks>
The structure is meant to quickly get you started creating your own Single-Page-Application. The structure, tasks and configurations can be tweaked and extended, to make it fit your needs and requirements.
The default project show how to get started using fuspa.
Instead of installing fuspa-cli
globally, an api is also provided.
npm install fuspa-cli --save-dev
Example usage:
import {SpaProject} from 'fuspa-cli';
const project = new SpaProject({
engine: 'handlebars',
container: 'container',
name: 'fuspa-starter',
mainFile: 'main.ts'