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An unofficial PHP wrapper for Oracle Service Cloud (fka RightNow Technologies) REST API


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An (under development) PHP library for using the Oracle Service Cloud REST API influenced by the ConnectPHP API

Installing PHP (for Windows)

Here is a Youtube video with instructions for Windows 10. I would highly recommend installing PHP 7.

If you get SSL Errors (you probably will), follow this link for instructions on resolving SSL things that I know nothing about.


Install with composer:

$ composer require rajangdavis/osvc_php --dev


This PHP library tested against Oracle Service Cloud May 2017 using PHP 7.2.1. I might set up Travis CI and Code Climate, it just depends if I find it worth my time.

All of the HTTP methods should work on any version of Oracle Service Cloud since version May 2015; however, there maybe some issues with querying items on any version before May 2016. This is because ROQL queries were not exposed via the REST API until May 2016.

Use Cases

You can use this PHP Library for basic scripting and microservices. The main features that work to date are as follows:

  1. Simple configuration
  2. Running ROQL queries 1 at a time or multiple queries in a set
  3. Running Reports
  4. Basic CRUD Operations via HTTP Methods
    1. Create => Post
    2. Read => Get
    3. Update => Patch
    4. Destroy => Delete

Client Configuration

An OSvCPHP\Client object lets the library know which credentials and interface to use for interacting with the Oracle Service Cloud REST API. This is helpful if you need to interact with multiple interfaces or set different headers for different objects.

// Configuration is as simple as requiring the library
// and passing in an associative array


$rn_client = new OSvCPHP\Client(array(
	"username" => getenv("OSC_ADMIN"),			# => These are interface credentials
	"password" => getenv("OSC_PASSWORD"),			# => store these in environmental
	"interface" => getenv("OSC_SITE"),			# => variables in your .bash_profile

	### optional configuration
	# Turns off SSL verification; don't use in production
	"no_ssl_verify" => true,				# => Defaults to false. 
	# Sets the version of the REST API to use
	"version" => 'v1.4',					# => Defaults to 'v1.3'. 
	# Let's you supress business rules
	"suppress_rules" => true,				# => Defaults to false. 
	# Use 'rightnowdemo' namespace instead of 'custhelp'
	"demo_site" => true					# => Defaults to false. 

OSvCPHP\QueryResults example

This is for running one ROQL query. Whatever is allowed by the REST API (limits and sorting) is allowed with this library.

OSvCPHP\QueryResults only has one function: 'query', which takes an OSvCPHP\Client string and string query (example below).

# NOTE: Make sure to put your queries WRAPPED in doublequotes("")
# this is because when Ruby converts the queries into a URI
# the REST API does not like it when the queries are WRAPPED in single quotes ('')

# For example
# "parent is null and lookupName!='Unsure'" => great!
# 'parent is null and lookupName!="Unsure"' => don't do this
# it will spit back an error from the REST API!


$rn_client = new OSvCPHP\Client(array(
    "username" => getenv("OSC_ADMIN"),
    "password" => getenv("OSC_PASSWORD"),
    "interface" => getenv("OSC_SITE")

$query = "select * from answers where ID = 1557";

$q = new OSvCPHP\QueryResults;

$q->query($rn_client,$query,true); # => "[{'id':1557,'name':...}]"

OSvCPHP\QueryResultsSet example

This is for running multiple queries and assigning the results of each query to a key for further manipulation.

OSvCPHP\QueryResultsSet only has one function: 'query_set', which takes an OSvCPHP\Client object and multiple query associative arrays (example below).

# NOTE: Make sure to put your queries WRAPPED in doublequotes("")
# Pass in each query into a hash
    # set query: to the query you want to execute
    # set key: to the value you want the results to of the query to be referenced to


$rn_client = new OSvCPHP\Client(array(
    "username" => getenv("OSC_ADMIN"),
    "password" => getenv("OSC_PASSWORD"),
    "interface" => getenv("OSC_SITE"),
    "demo_site" => true

$query_arr = array(
        "key" => "incidents",
        "query" => "SELECT * FROM incidents LIMIT 3"
        "key" => "answers",
        "query" => "SELECT * FROM answers LIMIT 3"

$mq = new OSvCPHP\QueryResultsSet;

$results_object = $mq->query_set($rn_client,$query_arr);

echo json_encode($results_object->incidents,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

#    {
#        "id": "21",
#        "lookupName": "160311-000001",
#        "createdTime": "2016-02-23T19:00:00Z",
#        "updatedTime": "2016-06-14T20:31:40Z",
#        "asset": null,
#        "category": "3",
#        "channel": "3",
#        "chatQueue": null,
#        "closedTime": null,
#        "createdByAccount": "6",
#        "disposition": "13",
#        "initialResponseDueTime": "2016-02-23T19:00:00Z",
#        "initialSolutionTime": "2016-02-23T19:00:00Z",
#        "interface": "1",
#        "language": "1",
#        "lastResponseTime": "2016-02-23T19:00:00Z",
#        "lastSurveyScore": null,
#        "mailbox": null,
#        "mailing": null,
#        "organization": null,
#        "product": "8",
#        "queue": null,
#        "referenceNumber": "160311-000001",
#        "resolutionInterval": "-1440",
#        "responseEmailAddressType": "0",
#        "responseInterval": null,
#        "severity": null,
#        "smartSenseCustomer": null,
#        "smartSenseStaff": null,
#        "source": "8001",
#        "subject": "How long until I receive my refund on my credit card?"
#    },
#    {
#        "id": "22",
#        "lookupName": "160311-000002",
#        "createdTime": "2016-02-23T19:00:00Z",
#        "updatedTime": "2016-06-14T20:31:40Z",
#        "asset": null,
#        "category": "3",
#        "channel": "3",
#        "chatQueue": null,
#        "closedTime": null,
#        "createdByAccount": "6",
#        "disposition": "13",
#        "initialResponseDueTime": "2016-02-23T19:00:00Z",
#        "initialSolutionTime": "2016-02-23T19:00:00Z",
#        "interface": "1",
#        "language": "1",
#        "lastResponseTime": "2016-02-23T19:00:00Z",
#        "lastSurveyScore": null,
#        "mailbox": null,
#        "mailing": null,
#        "organization": null,
#        "product": "8",
#        "queue": null,
#        "referenceNumber": "160311-000002",
#        "resolutionInterval": "-1440",
#        "responseEmailAddressType": "0",
#        "responseInterval": null,
#        "severity": null,
#        "smartSenseCustomer": null,
#        "smartSenseStaff": null,
#        "source": "8001",
#        "subject": "Do you ship outside the US?"
#    },
#    {
#        "id": "23",
#        "lookupName": "160311-000003",
#        "createdTime": "2016-02-23T19:00:00Z",
#        "updatedTime": "2016-06-14T20:31:40Z",
#        "asset": null,
#        "category": "3",
#        "channel": "3",
#        "chatQueue": null,
#        "closedTime": null,
#        "createdByAccount": "6",
#        "disposition": "13",
#        "initialResponseDueTime": "2016-02-23T19:00:00Z",
#        "initialSolutionTime": "2016-02-23T19:00:00Z",
#        "interface": "1",
#        "language": "1",
#        "lastResponseTime": "2016-02-23T19:00:00Z",
#        "lastSurveyScore": null,
#        "mailbox": null,
#        "mailing": null,
#        "organization": null,
#        "product": "8",
#        "queue": null,
#        "referenceNumber": "160311-000003",
#        "resolutionInterval": "-1440",
#        "responseEmailAddressType": "0",
#        "responseInterval": null,
#        "severity": null,
#        "smartSenseCustomer": null,
#        "smartSenseStaff": null,
#        "source": "8001",
#        "subject": "How can I order another product manual?"
#    }

echo json_encode($results_object->answers,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

#    {
#        "id": "1",
#        "lookupName": "1",
#        "createdTime": "2016-03-04T18:25:50Z",
#        "updatedTime": "2016-09-12T17:12:14Z",
#        "accessLevels": "0000000001",
#        "adminLastAccessTime": "2016-03-04T18:25:50Z",
#        "answerType": "1",
#        "expiresDate": null,
#        "guidedAssistance": null,
#        "keywords": null,
#        "language": "1",
#        "lastAccessTime": "2016-03-04T18:25:50Z",
#        "lastNotificationTime": null,
#        "name": "1",
#        "nextNotificationTime": null,
#        "originalReferenceNumber": null,
#        "positionInList": "1",
#        "publishOnDate": null,
#        "question": null,
#        "solution": "<span style=\"WHITE-SPACE: normal; WORD-SPACING: 0px; TEXT-TRANSFORM: none; FLOAT: none; COLOR: rgb(119,119,119); FONT: 14px\/20px RobotoDraft, 'Helvetica Neue', Calibri, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; WIDOWS: 1; DISPLAY: inline !important; LETTER-SPACING: normal; BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255); TEXT-INDENT: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px\">Check out our new&#160;2017&#160;products.<\/span><br style=\"WHITE-SPACE: normal; WORD-SPACING: 0px; TEXT-TRANSFORM: none; COLOR: rgb(119,119,119); PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px; FONT: 14px\/20px RobotoDraft, 'Helvetica Neue', Calibri, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; WIDOWS: 1; MARGIN: 0px; LETTER-SPACING: normal; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255); TEXT-INDENT: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px\" \/>\n<br style=\"WHITE-SPACE: normal; WORD-SPACING: 0px; TEXT-TRANSFORM: none; COLOR: rgb(119,119,119); PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px; FONT: 14px\/20px RobotoDraft, 'Helvetica Neue', Calibri, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; WIDOWS: 1; MARGIN: 0px; LETTER-SPACING: normal; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255); TEXT-INDENT: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px\" \/>\n<a style=\"TEXT-DECORATION: none; WHITE-SPACE: normal; WORD-SPACING: 0px; TEXT-TRANSFORM: none; COLOR: rgb(231,76,60); PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px; FONT: 14px\/20px RobotoDraft, 'Helvetica Neue', Calibri, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; WIDOWS: 1; MARGIN: 0px; LETTER-SPACING: normal; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255); TEXT-INDENT: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px\" href=\"http:\/\/\/euf\/assets\/html\/smartly\/product-template.html\">Go to the Smartly Store<\/a>\n",
#        "summary": "SPRING IS ALMOST HERE!",
#        "updatedByAccount": "16",
#        "uRL": null
#    },
#    {
#        "id": "2",
#        "lookupName": "2",
#        "createdTime": "2016-03-08T19:07:01Z",
#        "updatedTime": "2016-05-13T14:00:35Z",
#        "accessLevels": "0000000001",
#        "adminLastAccessTime": "2016-03-08T19:07:01Z",
#        "answerType": "3",
#        "expiresDate": null,
#        "guidedAssistance": null,
#        "keywords": null,
#        "language": "1",
#        "lastAccessTime": "2017-11-29T21:04:24Z",
#        "lastNotificationTime": null,
#        "name": "2",
#        "nextNotificationTime": null,
#        "originalReferenceNumber": null,
#        "positionInList": "1",
#        "publishOnDate": null,
#        "question": null,
#        "solution": null,
#        "summary": "Maestro Smart Thermostat Installation Guide",
#        "updatedByAccount": "4",
#        "uRL": "M2509LW Installation Guide.pdf"
#    },
#    {
#        "id": "3",
#        "lookupName": "3",
#        "createdTime": "2016-03-08T19:43:33Z",
#        "updatedTime": "2016-05-17T16:39:17Z",
#        "accessLevels": "0000000001",
#        "adminLastAccessTime": "2016-03-08T19:43:33Z",
#        "answerType": "1",
#        "expiresDate": null,
#        "guidedAssistance": null,
#        "keywords": null,
#        "language": "1",
#        "lastAccessTime": "2016-10-03T14:17:40Z",
#        "lastNotificationTime": null,
#        "name": "3",
#        "nextNotificationTime": null,
#        "originalReferenceNumber": null,
#        "positionInList": "1",
#        "publishOnDate": null,
#        "question": "<p>Maestro Smart Thermostat App<\/p>\n\n",
#        "solution": "<p>You will find the Maestro Smart Thermostat App in the Apple App Store or the Google Play store.<\/p>\n<p>Click on the icon to download the app.<\/p>\n<p>&#160;<img border=\"0\" alt=\"Image\" src=\"http:\/\/\/euf\/assets\/images\/smartlyapp.png\" width=\"49\" height=\"47\" \/><\/p>\n\n",
#        "summary": "Maestro Smart Thermostat App",
#        "updatedByAccount": "4",
#        "uRL": null
#    }


You can create a new instance either by the report 'id' or 'lookupName'.

OSvCPHP\AnalyticsReportsResults only has one function: 'run', which takes an OSvCPHP\Client object.

OSvCPHP\AnalyticsReportsResults have the following properties: 'id', 'lookupName', and 'filters'. More on filters and supported datetime methods are below this OSvCPHP\AnalyticsReportsResults example script.


$rn_client = new OSvCPHP\Client(array(
	"username" => getenv("OSC_ADMIN"),
	"password" => getenv("OSC_PASSWORD"),
	"interface" => getenv("OSC_SITE"),
	"demo_site" => true

$last_updated = new OSvCPHP\AnalyticsReportResults(
	array("lookupName" => "Last Updated By Status")

$results = $last_updated->run($rn_client);
echo json_encode($results,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

#    {
#        "Status": "Unresolved",
#        "Incidents": "793",
#        "Average Time Since Last Response": "57417609.617582"
#    },
#    {
#        "Status": "Updated",
#        "Incidents": "462",
#        "Average Time Since Last Response": "57542462.911111"
#    }

Basic CRUD operations


#### OSvCPHP\Connect::post( <client>, <url>, <json_data> )
#### returns an associative array


# Here's how you could create a new ServiceProduct object
# using PHP variables and arrays to set field information

$rn_client = new OSvCPHP\Client(array(
    "username" => getenv("OSC_ADMIN"),	
    "password" => getenv("OSC_PASSWORD"),
    "interface" => getenv("OSC_SITE")	

$new_product = array(
    'names' => array(
            'labelText' => 'NEW_PRODUCT',
            'language' => array('id' => 1)
    'displayOrder' => 4,
    'adminVisibleInterfaces' => array(
            'id' => 1
    'endUserVisibleInterfaces' => array(
            'id' => 1

$post_response = OSvCPHP\Connect::post($rn_client,'/serviceProducts',$new_product);

echo json_encode($post_response['body'],JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); # => JSON body
echo json_encode($post_response['info'],JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); # => cURL info


#### OSvCPHP\Connect::get( <client>, optional (<url>/<id>/...<params>) )
#### returns an associative array
# Here's how you could get a list of ServiceProducts


$rn_client = new OSvCPHP\Client(array(
    "username" => getenv("OSC_ADMIN"),	
    "password" => getenv("OSC_PASSWORD"),
    "interface" => getenv("OSC_SITE")	

$get_response = OSvCPHP\Connect::get($rn_client,'/serviceProducts?limit=3');
echo json_encode($get_response['body'],JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

#    "items": [
#        {
#            "id": 2,
#            "lookupName": "Maestro Smart Thermostat",
#            "links": [
#                {
#                    "rel": "canonical",
#                    "href": "https:\/\/<OSC_SITE>\/services\/rest\/connect\/v1.3\/serviceProducts\/2"
#                }
#            ]
#        },
#        {
#            "id": 6,
#            "lookupName": "Home Security",
#            "links": [
#                {
#                    "rel": "canonical",
#                    "href": "https:\/\/<OSC_SITE>\/services\/rest\/connect\/v1.3\/serviceProducts\/6"
#                }
#            ]
#        },
#        {
#            "id": 7,
#            "lookupName": "Hubs",
#            "links": [
#                {
#                    "rel": "canonical",
#                    "href": "https:\/\/<OSC_SITE>\/services\/rest\/connect\/v1.3\/serviceProducts\/7"
#                }
#            ]
#        }
#    ],
#    "hasMore": true,
#	 ... and everything else ... 


#### OSvCPHP\Connect::patch( <client>, <url>, <json_data> )
#### returns an associative array
# Here's how you could update the previously created ServiceProduct object
# using PHP variables and arrays
# to set field information


$rn_client = new OSvCPHP\Client(array(
    "username" => getenv("OSC_ADMIN"),	
    "password" => getenv("OSC_PASSWORD"),
    "interface" => getenv("OSC_SITE")	

$prod_info_to_change = array(
    "names" => array(
        "labelText" => "PRODUCT-TEST-updated",
            "language" => array(
            "id" => 1
    "displayOrder" =>  4,
    "adminVisibleInterfaces" => array(
    		"id" => 1
    "endUserVisibleInterfaces" => array(
    		"id" => 1

$updated_product = OSvCPHP\Connect::patch($rn_client,"serviceProducts/56",$prod_info_to_change); 

echo json_encode($updated_product['info'],JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); # => cURL info
echo json_encode($updated_product['body'],JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); # => null if successful


#### OSvCPHP\Connect::delete( <client>, <url> )
#### returns an associative array
# Here's how you could delete the previously updated ServiceProduct object
# and OSvCPHP\Connect classes


$rn_client = new OSvCPHP\Client(array(
    "username" => getenv("OSC_ADMIN"),	
    "password" => getenv("OSC_PASSWORD"),
    "interface" => getenv("OSC_SITE")

$delete_response = OSvCPHP\Connect::delete($rn_client,'/serviceProducts/233');

echo json_encode($updated_product['info'],JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); # => cURL info
echo json_encode($updated_product['body'],JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); # => null if successful


FOSSA Status


An unofficial PHP wrapper for Oracle Service Cloud (fka RightNow Technologies) REST API







No packages published


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