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Terracotta Confluence static site

This repository is a static export from the original Terracotta Confluence site. It is hosted using GitHub Pages (GitHub runs Jekyll). Push to main is a publish (after a short delay on GH side).


Permalinks and Hiding Extensions

Jekyll limitations make removing .html extension (to preserve old URLs) difficult for pages with dots in the url.

A workaround is in place:

  • All front matter permalink tags have .html on the end (at least for pages with dots in the permalink)
  • The nav from the theme (_includes/header.html) was modified to remove .html
  • Jekyll/GH seem to serve pages with or without .html

Linking to Pages and Anchors

Link to pages without .html suffix!

  • Sibling link: [Name](The+Page+Name) (basename of the permalink without path)
  • Non-sibling link: [Name](/path/to/The+Page+Name) (full permalink of target page)
  • Anchor link: [Name](The+Page+Name#lower-case-dashes-for-spaces-in-target-heading) (headings have implicit ids)

Adding Pages

  • Filename does not matter (but should be easy to find and ideally free of special characters)
  • permalink in front matter... matters and defines final filename.
  • Ensure permalink ends in .html if there are any dots in the permalink value.
  • New pages appear in nav menu automatically

Local Testing

Local Jekyll

At this time, local testing is done using the same versions of ruby and jekyll as

Easiest way is to use rbenv, then:

rbenv install 2.7.3  # one-time step
rbenv shell 2.7.3  #select for this shell (should happeen automatically via .ruby-version)
rbenv bundle install # install gems

# Interactive browser testing:
rbenv bundle exec jekyll s --watch [--incremental] # incremental is fast but does not apply structural changes

# Link Checking
bundle exec jekyll b ; bundle exec htmlproofer --log-level :debug --assume-extension --disable-external ./_site


Static version of legacy Terracotta Wiki






No releases published


No packages published


  • CSS 93.5%
  • HTML 2.9%
  • SCSS 2.0%
  • Ruby 1.6%